Monday, July 29, 2013

Feast of Tabernacles

August 4, 2013 Background Scripture: Nehemiah 7:73b – 8:18; Leviticus 23:33 – 43 Lesson Passage: Nehemiah 8:2, 3, 13 – 18 There were three annual assemblies when the men of Israel were called to present themselves before the Lord. The Feast of Tabernacles was the third of the three assemblies. This feast took place during the time of harvest. This feast required the children of Israel to live for a week under shelters that were constructed by using tree branches. This was a solemn act and a reminder of the conditions God led their ancestors to live in after He had brought them out of the bondage of Egypt. This was one of the ways God humbled their ancestors so that they would be taught to depend on Him to meet all of their needs. It was fitting that this feast would be celebrated at the time of harvest. It is often during the times when we are blessed with physical blessings that we tend to forget God who gives us all things. This self-inflicted humility as part of this feast served to help the children of Israel remember God as the source of all of their blessings. That it happened at the time of harvest made it an effective tool for teaching younger generations about their religious heritage. Surely such actions as living under tree branches for a week would engender questions in the minds of the children and youth. I can hear them asking their parents: Why do we live like we have nothing at the time of the year when we have the most? I believe that many would concur with me that this is an interesting challenge to the human ego. This was indeed a teachable moment. Each of the three annual gatherings of the men of Israel provided teachable moments for the younger generations. This ensured that the knowledge and worship of God would continue from generation to generation. Some of the most difficult things to pass from one generation to another are values. This structured worship achieved just that. After the walls of Jerusalem were completed under Nehemiah’s leadership, the minds of the children of Israel were turned towards the word of God (the Law). It was at this time that the people gathered together and called for Ezra to share with them the Law of God that was given to them by Moses. Ezra came forward and stood upon a platform that was constructed for that purpose. This platform allowed Ezra to be above the people which would have aided in projecting his voice. Ezra worshiped the Lord and the congregation of Israel likewise worshiped the Lord before the word of God was read into their hearing. While Ezra read the word of God, there were Levites who assisted by interpreting the word for those in the congregation so that they could understand it. Day by day the pattern continued with Ezra reading the Law, the Levites interpreting the Law, and the congregation of Israel receiving the Law. Because this occurred at the time of harvest, the people responded by obeying the Law and making booths of tree branches to live under for seven days. Thus Israel celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. Robert C. Hudson July 27, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Giving Gifts for the Temple

July 28, 2013 Background Scripture: Ezra 8:24 – 36 Lesson Passage: Ezra 8:24 – 35 It is strange how some local congregations have major disagreements over questions such as what color carpet to install. Should we use pews or chairs? How many and what kind of tables should we use to receive offerings and administer the Lord’s Supper? Should we use offering baskets or offering trays? Or what is the proper amount for a freewill offering that should be given to the church? With all that is lacking in mission, evangelism, and ministry today, it is disappointing how easily a local church can become distracted with such trivial matters. The fact that there is such a tremendous difference in furnishings, color schemes, and ministry financing plans from one local church to another is a clear indicator that no single answer was found to those questions. Thanks to the instructions provided by God through Moses, Israel never had to “figure out” what would be the proper gifts to bring for the house of God or how should it be furnished. God spelled it out in details. Everything from the furnishings and vessels to the gifts that were intended to sustain the Levites whose ministry it was to care for the temple and administer the required sacrifices was detailed. For Israel, it was only necessary that they get back to God’s plan. One step was to return the silver and gold vessels that were taken from the temple during the Babylonian conquest. God had seen to it that those vessels were returned when He acted on the heart of the Persian king after the Persians conquered the Babylonians. For Israel’s part, they were given the vessels but it was up to them to return them to their proper place. An accounting was made of each of the items (material, weight, and quantity) and then they were delivered to the Levites who were responsible for their upkeep and use. Once the temple was furnished according to God’s plan, then it was a matter of requesting the freewill offering. The individual freewill offering was to be given in proportion to the blessings the Lord had given the individual. This was similar to the tithe in that it was to be in proportion to what the person had received. However, unlike the tithe, the freewill offering was to come out of the ninety percent left after the tithe and the proportional amount was determined by the giver. God has declared the tithe to be His and therefore all we can do is surrender it to God as an act of obedience. On the other hand, the freewill offering is just that—an offering given freely as an act of one’s will. After freewill offerings are received, then God has declared that they too then become holy. Those who were appointed to receive those gifts were set apart by God and therefore they were holy. After the vessels were returned to their appointed place and freewill offerings had been given, then the burnt offerings were presented before God. Burnt offerings were acknowledgments of sin and were used vicariously in the stead of the one bringing the offering. They were totally consumed by fire and the ashes were handled according to instructions in the Law. Everything had its proper order and place and was not done haphazardly. It was a solemn act of worship to give gifts for the temple. Robert C. Hudson July 1, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fasting and Praying

July 21, 2013 Background Scripture: Ezra 7:1 – 8:23 Lesson Passage: Ezra 7:6 – 10; 8:21 – 23 Today’s lesson affords us the opportunity to take a close look at fasting and praying as a way to achieve specific results. We often see fasting and praying used by some of the most devout followers of God who are presented to us in the Old Testament writings. It is also used by some in the New Testament as well. Jesus talked about fasting and praying. He taught that it should not be used as an outward expression before others but done discretely or in secret. Jesus also taught that some miraculous works such as casting out demons cannot be done except by fasting and praying. It is difficult for any serious student of the bible to avoid seeing the references in the bible that point out the vital importance of fasting and praying. Ezra helps us to understand “the what” and “the why” associated with fasting and praying. He refers to it as a self-imposed affliction. When we fast and pray, we temporarily deny our bodies those substances needed to sustain it that we may present our souls and spirits before the Lord. Those substances may include food and/or drink. For example, the gospel writer tells us that Jesus fasted for forty days and nights and neither ate nor drank. This is very severe affliction of the body. Not only is this physical affliction but it also represents emotional humility to deny oneself that which is craved and necessary to sustain physical life. With the flesh under such subjection, one is freed to seek God more deeply on a spiritual level. Again it should be emphasized that fasting should only be done on a temporary basis. (One should also be careful about fasting if you are under the care of a medical doctor. In such cases, your physician should be consulted prior to afflicting one’s body.) That is “the what” of fasting and praying. Now let us consider “the why”. Ezra called for the group he was leading on a four month trip from Babylon to Palestine to fast and pray prior to their departure. The desire was for safe passage knowing that some of the areas they would travel through was inhabited by people that could pose a threat to them—especially the most vulnerable ones such as the elderly and the children. They were also concerned about losing their substance—especially that which was intended for the temple. Although praying before embarking on the journey was a good practice, Ezra found it necessary even more so because he was too ashamed to ask the king to send a military escort along with them. Ezra had been bragging to the king about the protection that God provides for His people. How could he turn around and ask the king for a security detail just in case God would not protect them? No doubt the need for protection was great but the need to show unbelievers the sustaining power of God towards those who trust Him was even greater. Ezra was not going to “name it and claim it” nor was he going to take God for granted being that they had such a great need. Instead, they chose to humble themselves and honor God and make their petitions known to Him. They fasted and prayed and the bible says they got the results they desired. Robert C. Hudson July 1, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dedicating the Temple

July 14, 2013 Background Scripture: Ezra 6 Lesson Passage: Ezra 6:13 – 22 In last week’s lesson we saw Israel celebrate the beginning of the temple restoration with the laying of the foundation. Although the congregation exhibited mixed emotions, they celebrated with a formal praise and worship service. After such a strong start, one would expect a strong finish as well. After the celebration was over, the remaining work on the temple should have continued to move towards completion. This was not the case. The text of today’s lesson takes place almost twenty years later. During much of the intervening time, the work came to a halt because Israel was discouraged by her gentile neighbors and therefore took the easy way out by conforming to those of the world. As a result of this, the children of Israel became complacent and self-centered. They focused their time, energy, and resources on building their own houses and neglected the house that was to be built and dedicated in the name of the God of Israel. God did not sit quietly by while this happened. He sent the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to warn the people that He was not pleased with their chosen course of action—or inaction. God warned them that they would not prosper because their ways before Him were not right. They would not grow wealthier but rather see their money squandered in such a way that it would appear that they were putting it in a bag with a hole in the bottom. God went on to inform them that He was aware of the quality of work they were putting into their houses while His house lay wasted. Eventually the message got through to them. After their hearts were right, God led Zerubbabel to contact the Persian king to clear up the deception and confusion caused by their neighbors and the work on the temple resumed with the king’s blessing. Finally, the work was completed and it was time for the temple to be dedicated. Although the rebuilt temple was not considered to be on the same level as the temple constructed by King Solomon, it lasted many more years than the formal. Everything needed for the construction as well as the animals needed for the sacrifices were provided either through freewill offerings from the people or given from the king’s treasury by decree of the king. Whether through the blessings of God provided to the people or from the treasury of gentile kings whose hearts had been changed by God, everything needed to complete the temple and offer the sacrifices prescribed by the Law was made available. The greatest obstacle they faced was the cooperation of those who were called God’s people. When God’s people were prepared and submitted to Him, God dealt with them who were opposing His people and the work was completed and the dedicatory celebration took place. Note that the text states that the elders of the Jews built and they prospered. Sometimes we forget the importance of our role models in carrying out the will of God. When those who are mature in their spiritual walk line up with the will of God, progress ensues and individuals prosper in their way. When we know that the hand of God is involved and we can see the results unfolding, it is proper to pause and celebrate the goodness of our God. Israel could now reflect on God’s goodness and unending mercy as they dedicated the temple. Robert C. Hudson June 28, 2013