May 27, 2012
Background Scripture: John 14
Lesson Passage: John 14:1 – 14
John is the only gospel writer to record this very intimate conversation between Jesus and his disciples. This conversation took place within minutes prior to Jesus’ arrest, mock trials, and crucifixion. This was not a sermon or lesson that Jesus was delivering to his followers. This truly was a conversation between the master teacher and his pupils who were about to graduate from being disciples to become apostles. During the conversation, some of the students asked questions for clarity and another made a simple request to help boost their confidence in what they were being told to expect. For each question or request, Jesus addressed the petitioner personally rather than give a general answer to the entire group. John details for us a very engaging conversation between the teacher and his pupils. On this occasion, Jesus was taking them to another level. They were being told more about his divine nature than they had understood before. Jesus explained to them spiritual matters that could not possibly be comprehended by an unsaved person. This seemingly crash course in spirituality and theology was unlike anything they had received before. This conversation had an air of urgency. Jesus’ time on earth with them was drawing to an end and he wanted them to be thoroughly equipped to handle life and ministry without his physical presence. They had seen the miracles and heard his teachings; now, it was all being pulled together for them in a way that would make sense not many days hence. Jesus, who had been their teacher and their counselor, would soon express himself to them as their Savior and Lord. They had become familiar with his humanity. They had seen him laugh, cry, hunger, become angry, and get tired and go to sleep. They saw him change water to wine, heal all manner of diseases and afflictions, and even raise the dead. How could they bear the thought of him leaving them after all of that? After all, they had left their jobs three years ago to follow him around Galilee, Judea, and through Samaria. They had become quite close to him and had grown emotionally attached. How could they not be sorrowful listening to him talk about leaving them soon? Thomas made it clear that he did not understand exactly what Jesus was talking about. Maybe the others understood, but for Thomas, he had no idea where Jesus was going or how they were destined to follow him later. Philip requested a glimpse of the Father as sufficient evidence. Jude wanted to know how they were going to be able to see Jesus later but non-followers would not be able to see him. Jesus’ answers to their questions and request still encourage us today. Jesus’ disciples would recognize him because he would be in them as they receive new life through regeneration. This new life would be the enabling power of the Spirit of Christ on the inside. As a result of this new birth, they would finally know the truth beyond any doubt. And the only way provided for them to experience this is for it to happen through Jesus. They were being brought into the realization that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Robert C. Hudson
May 19, 2012