June 21, 2015
Background Scripture: Amos 6
Lesson Passage: Amos 6:4 – 8, 11 – 14
“These six things doth the Lord hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:16 – 19
Hatred, abomination, and abhorrence are words we should pay keen attention to when used in the context of God’s disposition. I don’t know of anyone who wants to be hated by God. Nor do I know of anyone who wants to be considered an abomination to God. Yet, there are clearly actions and attitudes that we do sometimes embrace that are on God’s “hit list”—or better yet, “hate list”. The bible teaches us that there are some things about human nature, attitude, and actions that God find despicable. We don’t have to try to figure this out. God tells us what he does not like. For us it is not a question of knowledge but rather a question of repentance and obedience. In this regard, Israel’s situation in the time of Amos was no different than ours today. The wealthy lived in luxury and trusted in themselves for safety and security. They refused to learn the lesson of pass civilizations that were brought to ruin: God will not always look the other way while the rich ignore the poor and the “have’s” show no compassion or concern for the “have not’s”. Although your luxury might be extravagant, God will not allow such an unbalanced society of his people to go on unpunished. Justice and righteousness again take center stage in Amos’ prophecy to Israel. When justice is made bitter, the poor suffers unjustly. God is the defender of the poor, orphans, and widows. Today we live in a very materialistic world that seems to be driven by selfishness and greed. In such an environment, the poor will always endure most of the collateral damage. For Israel, God was going to turn it around and the wealthy would receive the bitterness of God’s justice upon the whole of society. Those who have much have more to lose and therefore their suffering will be great. God is love and he has shown this love to his people many times. We know what love looks like but oftentimes we fail to model the love God has demonstrated towards us. Amos warned Israel that their captivity was inevitable and they would be oppressed by another nation that God would raise up. It can be difficult to imagine desolation when one is living in the lap of luxury. God’s warning ensured that they would not be caught by surprise. Israel deserved what they had coming. Amos gave Israel the reason for her future punishment and the details of the punishment. In spite of these warnings, the people proceeded full speed ahead. This is sobering when today’s society is considered. We have warnings all around us: historic floods in strange places, historic droughts in others, earthquakes in unheard of places, tornadoes and hail in historic proportions. Yet we believe we have the prerogative to redefine what God has defined. Again, the human race has become a collection of selfish individuals and God is showing his displeasure. God abhors selfishness.
Robert C. Hudson
June 1, 2015