August 30, 2020
Background Scripture: James 3:13 – 18; 5:7 – 12
Lesson Passage: James 3:13 – 18; 5:7 – 12
Just when we thought we had understood everything we need to know about wisdom from the lessons this quarter, James reminds us that there are two kinds of wisdom. And, by the way, that is good news because it makes sense based on the way he explained it. James seemed to have been determined to continuously move Christianity in the direction of becoming a practical faith. James made it easy for a person to distinguish between the two kinds of wisdom. In general, wisdom is reflected in the person’s attitude, disposition, and practices. On the one hand, envy, selfish ambition, and evil practices are the product of worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom is associated with the devil—the prince of this world. On the other hand, wisdom that comes from God produces peace, mercy, and the fruit of the Spirit in believers. You don’t need a special discernment to determine which is which. You just need to be a spiritual fruit inspector. Professional fruit inspectors in this country label the best product that meet certain quality criteria “USDA certified”. Christians should take special care when inspecting the spiritual fruit of individuals. Before labeling a person’s spiritual fruit as USDA certified, be sure the person is Unselfish, Saved by grace, Deliberate in their love, and Available to be used by God. These qualities will ensure they have the wisdom that only comes from God. Character traits run deep within a person and develop over a very long period. The new birth in Christ and the renewing of the mind will produce the wisdom of God in the person and be manifest through the fruit of the Spirit. Christians are forgiven but not perfect. However, if observed over a span of time, one will notice peace, mercy, and the fruit of the Spirit as evidence of a Christian’s character. Spiritual fruit inspectors don’t have to be able to read a person’s mind; they just observe character traits over time. Many adults, if not most, will exhibit some form of wisdom in their dealings with others. What form that wisdom shows up as says a lot about that person’s relationship with God. This was James’ point in identifying both kinds of wisdom. James encouraged Christians to continue to do good works. We don’t have to prove who we are. Be patient waiting for the results of your good works as the farmer waits in anticipation the results of his labor. As one’s character is refined by the Spirit, it is reflected in how one is living day-in and day-out. In other words, one’s wisdom will also be on display. The wisdom that comes from God should also serve as a reminder of the faithfulness of God towards those who put their trust in Him. God has a stellar record concerning deliverance. Since the beginning of recorded time, God has been shown to be a deliverer of those who put their trust in Him. You can be assured that God will deliver you just as He delivered those who persevered in the past. Perseverance is important. Perseverance is good old fashioned “stick-with-it" when the times get tough. Though the answer to our struggles may tarry, we can always rely on God to come through. Isaiah said, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Our faith informs us that God will deliver us. Our perseverance reminds us that God is sovereign and will work according to His predetermined time. The wisdom that comes from God, knows this.
Robert C. Hudson
July 27, 2020