June 26, 2022
Background Scripture: Isaiah 51
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 51:1 - 8
Isaiah was the greatest of the writing prophets of God. The extensiveness of Isaiah's prophecy is remarkable. First, it is remarkable because of the sheer amount of writing contained within it. But even more so, it is remarkable because it literally covers the span of time and into eternity! Yes, Isaiah even prophesied about new heavens and a new earth! In the prophetic word of Isaiah, God is often presented as existing outside of time and yet controlling the circumstances within time. Many idol worshipers have considered their idol gods in the same manner. However, idol gods tend to be regarded as very one dimensional. Idol gods are often thought of as either benevolent or judgmental. And if presented as both, the two dispositions are often separated by something very fickle, or petty. It is that pettiness that allows people to control, or manipulate, their idols. The Lord God, Jehovah, cannot be controlled or manipulated. How can a "god" be all-powerful and yet cannot control his own disposition, and therefore he is left vulnerable to be manipulated by his worshipers? Idol worshipers develop steps to take that allow them to fashion their gods to suit their desires or will. The Lord God is not so, and therefore we must seek His will and conform ourselves to His desires. It is with this in mind that we look at the opening of Isaiah 51. God reminded Israel that His relationship with them began with Abraham. Israel came into existence because God promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of his promised child. God brought that child forth from a man who was ninety-nine years old and his barren wife who was beyond childbearing years at the age of eighty-nine. When Abraham was one hundred years old and Sarah was ninety years old, Isaac was born to them. Neither Abraham nor his wife, Sarah, could have achieved, or experienced, that naturally. That was a miracle of God. Abraham's faith in God pleased God; consequently, God worked miracles for him. The nation of Israel descended from that miraculously born child. God reminded the nation of Israel of its origin. Everything God was expecting of Israel was based on her origin. They were people of faith because they descended from Abraham, the father of the faithful. God expected no less of Israel than He did of Abraham. God expected the people of Israel to have faith in Him. In turn, He would work miracles for them and shower them with blessings as He had Abraham. God desired to do for Israel as He had done for Abraham. Just as Sarah was barren and God made her womb fruitful, He promised to transform Israel's barren land, wilderness and desert, into Eden and the garden of the Lord. God offered Israel righteousness and salvation, If Israel would seek the Lord for righteousness, God would give it to her. The law of God defined and demanded righteousness of the people of God. The law could not make them righteous. Instead, the law exposed the unrighteousness that was in the people. God's judgment declared that unrighteous people would be destroyed. Because of the law of God, damnation is the eternal destiny of all who are born into this world of man and woman. The only hope of deliverance is in God. God warned Israel to not choose the acceptance or favor of people over His offer of eternal salvation. People and everything in this world are destined to perish. But God offered to deliver them from destruction and give them everlasting righteousness and salvation.
Robert C. Hudson
June 11, 2022