Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Deciding to Follow

August 30, 2009

Background Scripture: Deuteronomy 30
Lesson Passage: Deuteronomy 30:1 – 10

How do we get back on track after we have strayed away? The instructions Moses provided for Israel prior to them possessing the land of Canaan gives clear instructions on how to do just that.
Once a child of God has strayed away from Him and found himself in a difficult situation, there is a three step process spelled out in our lesson today that will get him back on track. Step one is to repent. Repentance must involve an acknowledgment that trespass has occurred against God. There should be a sense of remorse or sorrow for having committed the offense against God. Sorrow should come from having committed the offense not in having to endure the punishment or consequences of it. After repentance, step two is to obey God’s voice. Sometimes we act as though we don’t know what this means. When we are convicted by the word of God then we can be assured that the word is speaking directly to us. This could come by way of study, teaching, preaching, or just simply being reminded of the word that is already in us by the Holy Ghost. However the word comes to us, we must make up our minds to be obedient to it because we know that it is of God. To feel remorse or sorrow and not take God-directed action will only invite withdrawal and depression and further attacks by demonic spirits. The actions taken must be directed by God. Remember, we usually get off track by following our own mind. We are not likely to get back on track through the same behavior. God is the one who must restore us. Only after we have repented and obeyed God can we embrace the final step in the restoration process. Step three is to have faith in God that no matter what state or condition you have been driven to, the Lord can and will deliver you even from there. When we are indeed listening to God’s voice, we have the assurance that God is the one directing us. Since God loves us, he will take care of us. God has demonstrated this through his son Jesus and throughout the lives of Christians everywhere. These three steps will get us back on track. Although the steps are few in number, our flesh or sinful disposition can make them seem like giant leaps to take. From the very first step, our flesh and minds will conspire against us to fight us every inch of the way. We will attempt to convince ourselves that we were somehow justified in our actions. We will desire to compare ourselves to others and conclude that we are okay because we believe that we are better than most. We must resist all of these tendencies and distractions and decide to follow God. When we do that, then the lesson tells us three things that God will do for us. First, God will bless us above those that have come before us. Secondly, God will give us a change of heart to make our walk with him and before him easier for us. And finally, God will fight our enemy for us. The one who tried to destroy us will be dealt with by God. God will cause curses to come upon our enemies.

After we have gotten back on track, then God will rejoice over us once again. He will make our hearts rejoice and we will make his heart to rejoice when we decide to follow him.

Robert C. Hudson
August 22, 2009