Monday, January 11, 2010

Demonstrated in Acts of Healing

January 17, 2010

Background Scripture: Matthew 9:27 – 34; 11:2 – 6
Lesson Passage: Matthew 9:27 – 34; 11:2 – 6

“Are you the one? Are you the “real deal”? After waiting for so long (hundreds of years), surely you won’t disappoint us as others have. If you are not the Messiah that we have been looking for, then simply tell us so that we can continue to seek for him.” The response was direct yet quite obscure at the same time. “Look at what I do and don’t be offended in me. Go tell John what you hear and what you see.” Jesus obviously had no identification card declaring him to be the long awaited Messiah of Israel. But how was Israel to know for sure if he was indeed the one? Sure, they had many prophesies but the very nature of prophesies make them dark and somewhat mysterious. How was Israel to know for sure that he was indeed the one? John the Baptist decided to take no chances and sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus directly if he was the one. Yes, the same John the Baptist who announced to Israel that Jesus was their God-sent deliverer. He even told them how God had given him instructions to start his ministry so that Jesus could be revealed to Israel. John went on to tell them the signs God had given him that would authenticate Jesus’ identity. Why then would John the Baptist be confused? What changed? John’s circumstances had changed. John was now in prison facing execution. It is strange how life and death matters seem to rattle the very foundation of our faith. This seems to have been the case with John. Jesus’ answer, nonetheless, was the same regardless of individual circumstances. The very works he did was a demonstration of his authenticity. This was not some mere prophet or healer. Jesus was the one and only. People flocked to him as they heard about him. No matter what their needs were, they believed that all they needed to do was to get to Jesus and he would make everything alright. Blind, mute, lepers, and all manner of diseased went, were carried, and some had the good fortune or blessing to be exactly where Jesus was already coming to. Nothing qualified them for the blessings other than their steadfast belief that Jesus was able to do it. Some even had dead love ones raised back to life. What manner of man was this? Some did not care what manner of man he was as long as he was who he was and he did what he did. One declared “Whether he is a sinner or not I don’t know, but whereas I was blind now I see.” Yet, those who should have been the most informed proved to be the least. Their misinterpretations and lack of understanding concerning the scriptures or the word of God made them spiritually blind to what the uninformed public was being allowed to see plainly. Jesus was truly sent from God and the poor were reaping the benefits. What does it take to believe that Jesus is the Messiah sent from God? The many acts of healing are evidence that he is the Messiah.

Robert C. Hudson
January 4, 2010