Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Established Community

May 9, 2010

Background Scripture: Colossians 2:1 – 19
Lesson Passage: Colossians 2:1 – 12

Our lesson today presents a good example of the expectation for Christians to be well grounded in doctrinal understanding as well as doctrinal acceptance. Put another way, mature Christians should be well established in what they believe and practice as a matter of Christian teaching and preaching. Out of this mature spiritual nature will pour forth an abundance of thanksgiving to God for his gracious love and kindness. The warning that Paul gives to the Christians at Colosse and Laodicea is still valid for us today. We must not allow what we practice that is based on world standards to lead us into deception and vanity. There is always the danger in local churches that practice will become more revered than doctrine. The way we do things as a matter of tradition should not get in the way of us learning the word of God and putting it into practice so that we can grow spiritually. Where there is a conflict between how things are done and biblical teaching, biblical teaching should always be accepted as the outcome and, if necessary, new practice should follow new understanding of the word of God. This is a true mark of an established church in the faith. God’s word should not only come first, it should also be the final say on a matter. All that we do should flow from our knowledge and personal relationship with Christ. There is nothing outside of Christ that improves on our Christianity or standing with God. In fact, everything outside of Christ is destined for destruction. People are always susceptible to deception. We are easily fooled because we are often temporarily blinded by the lust of our flesh and the deception that we are about to receive fulfillment. Even in the church, we must be vigilant and watching always for anything that is not of the truth of God’s word. Everything in God is in Christ and he showed openly what God’s nature is like. Satan continues his attacks against Christians—especially local churches or assemblies of believers. Our foundation is in Christ and we are to strive to build on it through diligent learning and practice of God’s word. The valley where Colosse and Laodicea were located was a thriving region of economic progress and trade. As such, it would have attracted people of various cultures from all over the world and they would have come with their own customs and traditions. This can make for an explosive concoction because strange customs can often be appealing to us socially. Christians are not exempt from the struggles that come with cultural assimilation within a human melting pot. This will lead to situations or areas where the tendency will be to blend the “tried and true” with the new and mysterious. In the end, we have a compromised lifestyle that doesn’t really fit the world and it is not pleasing to God. Laodicea eventually yielded to this as can be found in reading Christ’s letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. The last church addressed was Laodicea. It had compromised to the point of becoming a lukewarm church and was thus warned that they would be spewed out of the Savior’s mouth. God requires a firm commitment on our parts even as he is firmly committed. When we understand and accept the fullness of all things in Christ and that we are complete in him, then the church today can be an established community.

Robert C. Hudson
April 30, 2010