Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chosen and Called

July 18, 2010

Background Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2
Lesson Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:7 – 17

The day of the Lord’s vengeance is to be feared. For those who have studied eschatology or end-time prophecy, this point is abundantly clear. The details that are provided in the books of Daniel and Revelation leave no room for anyone to think that “judgment day” (as we referred to it as children) would be anything other than terror and pain. But exactly when that day arrives is often confusing to many. Jesus pointed out that one only has to know what signs to look for and heed those signs. This is the point that the apostle Paul was addressing to the Thessalonians in this second letter. There are events that will proceed the day of God’s vengeance. Some of the Thessalonians were concerned that the persecution they were enduring was because the day of the Lord was upon them. This belief was apparently strengthened by a letter that supposedly was sent by Paul to them. Paul assured them that this was not true. He went on to point out the signs that would occur before the day of the Lord. The antichrist will be exposed before Jesus returns. The antichrist will be directly controlled by Satan. Satan is busy today but the Holy Ghost is hindering much of his activity so that he cannot do as he wishes. However, when the Holy Ghost no longer hinders the devil, then great wickedness shall be exposed. There will be a general apostasy or falling away from the Christian faith. Many people who are supposed to be Christians will leave the church and no longer live according to the Christian faith. Others will refuse to even hear the gospel of Jesus Christ but will willingly listen to lies. Many people will be exposed to deception because they will refuse to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ; for this cause, God will send further delusions that will lead to their own destruction. In doing this, God will allow the unrighteousness of the sinner to expose and consume him. Again, terror and pain will cause great suffering to many. This is the “day of vengeance” of our God that Isaiah prophesied. The persecution the Thessalonians were enduring was not to be compared to such a day.

The Thessalonians, on the other hand, had much to be thankful for. They were part of those that are predestined by God to be spared such suffering. God has predestined those that he knew would accept his plan of salvation. Because God foreknew us, he has chosen us to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus. God is now calling the church out of the world through the preaching of the gospel. Those who respond to the gospel are those who have been chosen by God. For this cause, Christians everywhere should take comfort in knowing that God has given us a living hope and made it known through his manifold acts of grace. There is much suffering that goes on in the world today even as it did in the first century. Those who have been chosen by God are being called through the preaching of the gospel so that we will be spared the day of vengeance of our God. For this cause we are both comforted and thankful.

Robert C. Hudson
July 12, 2010