Thursday, July 1, 2010

God’s Cosmic Plan

July 4, 2010

Background Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:28
Lesson Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:1 – 11, 23, 24

“Billions and billions” is an expression that was used by the late astronomer Carl Sagan to describe the number of heavenly bodies in the universe. The expression meant that there were billions of galaxies that each contained billions of stars. Some of those distant bright lights that we observe are in fact entire galaxies of suns and planets. The space telescope, Hubble, has revealed millions more that were not visible through the dense atmosphere of the earth. What appeared to be a tiny dark spot between stars was photographed by the Hubble telescope and shown to contain many galaxies off in the distance. How beautiful it all is against the velvet backdrop of space. It will all be destroyed one day. Part of God’s revealed plan is to destroy it all and build it anew. Our lesson today is a reminder of this and a warning to Christians as to how this should impact how we live day in and day out.

God has a plan that will indeed shake up not only the earth but the entire universe. God has a predetermined date set when time will come to an end. No one knows the exact date but it is as certain as the existence of God. It will come quickly and many shall be caught unaware because they have not made preparation for the arrival of that date. God will bring back those who have died in Christ when Jesus returns. Those who live in Christ are aware of this and have received God’s light to abide in. Those who are not in Christ walk in darkness as one who is drunk with alcohol. They stumble about not knowing clearly their surroundings. They will be overcome as if by a thief who slips in under the cloak of darkness and catch them by surprise. The saved have been warned about God’s impending plan and therefore they should not be caught by surprise. These are admonished to remain sober and alert while they watch for that day. The unsaved will experience the wrath of God and the saved will be spared. Nevertheless, just because we are saved this is not an excuse to not remain watchful and sober. Some may attempt to classify the events of that day as a natural disaster and therefore dismiss its true meaning. Christians know that the end of time is not a natural occurrence but it is indeed a true act of God against his enemies and the avenging of those God has appointed unto honor and salvation.

The cosmic nature of the end times is described in additional details by the apostles Peter and John. Peter said there will be a great noise and the elements (physical world) will melt with intense heat. Peter admonishes believers to consider that the physical universe will be destroyed by fire and therefore they should live with this understanding at all times. We look for new heavens and a new earth according to the promise of God. John went much farther into detail and talked about the unfolding of God’s wrath upon the unfaithful and the judgment of the nations. There is a total destruction in the end according to John’s warning followed by a new heaven and a new earth. Today’s lesson looks at God’s cosmic plan.

Robert C. Hudson
June 22, 2010