Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God’s Safe Refuge

October 17, 2010

Background Scripture: Psalm 46:1 – 7
Lesson Passage: Psalm 46:1 – 7

refuge: shelter or protection from danger or distress; a means of resort for help in difficulty

When one walks in God’s favor, there is consolation in knowing that he is always there to assist in whatever the need may be. Surely, this psalm must have provided consolation for Israel for thousands of years. Israel’s history is one that shows a constant physical threat of annihilation by her enemies. Much of the history of national Israel shows her with rather difficult to defend borders because she does not occupy the original territory of the covenant which was outlined with naturally protected borders consisting of mountain ranges, deserts, vast seas, and bluffs at the Jordan River’s edge. In the absence of natural physical protection and enemies surrounding her, Israel’s security had to be dependent on the protection of God. The psalmist sets forth in this psalm the declaration that Israel’s protection is far superior to that of her enemies. God is Israel’s protection and protector. Israel does not have to send for God. He is always there in their midst and he is available to help them. The descendants of Korah offered their fellow countrymen reassuring words in the form of prophetic poetry. Although their enemies were many and visible, their helper, the Lord, was not physically visible but he was infinitely more powerful. No matter what happened physically—whether a shaking of the earth or raging of the seas—Israel could remain still and steadfast because her God had everything under control. Furthermore, God always provide for the place or city where he places his name. Eden was fruitful and well irrigated even before there was rain because of the rivers that flowed through it. For where a river flows, there is no need or dependence on seasonal rains. The river sustains the land where it flows. Likewise, New Jerusalem is sustained by a river that flows through her midst. This can very well be seen as the presence of the Spirit of God in the midst of the city. For the Holy Spirit does indeed refresh and make fruitful those he chooses to flow through. Where the Spirit of God flows, there is a continuous presence of God’s blessings; there is no need for God to rain down blessings from heaven when his Spirit is present to provide personal delivery. God shelters his children from the storms of life. Why stress out when God is available? Jesus said come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. This sounds like a prescription for stress relief. If we take away that which is impossible to us, we can handle the possible. For those who are children of God, he handles that we cannot handle. In recent history, a hymnologist stated it another way: have you any rivers that you feel are uncrossable? Have you any mountains that you cannot tunnel through? God specializes in things that are impossible and he will do what no other power can do. God is our refuge.

Robert C. Hudson
October 6, 2010