Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Lord is Our God

December 12, 2010

Background Scripture: Isaiah 41:1 – 42:9
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 41:8 – 10, 17 – 20; 42:1 – 4, 9

Isaiah continues his prophetic writing in our lesson this week. God continues his promise of assistance to Israel by delivering them out of exile in Babylon and restoring them to the land of Canaan. He again confirms that he will raise up a Gentile king to overthrow Babylon and to release the Jews to return to their land. God assures Israel that they will be protected from their enemy and, furthermore, God was going to destroy their enemy. God would again perform miracles to supply all that was needed by his people, Israel.

In our lesson today, God challenges the nations to prove that they are equal to him. Are the nations as powerful and wise as God? Do the nations know the history of eternity pass or the yet to be unfolded details of the future? Can they prophesy and then cause their word to be true? God summoned them to meet him at the place of judgment to offer proof of their abilities that would show that they are his equal. The conclusion of all of this is that they are worthless and all who follow them are nothing except an abomination to God. Now, God again offers a prophecy that he would indeed raise up a Gentile king to do his will and deliver his people out of Babylonian exile and back to the land of Canaan. This would again be proof of God’s power and prophetic word. God then offers a word of warning to those who put their trust in idols that are no more than the work of man’s hands. Those who do not put their trust in God are empty, or vain, and the idols they worship are also worthless. God would solve this dilemma for his people. God made choice of the descendents of Abraham and Israel. God will remain faithful to them to help them and give them the strength they need. God will oppose all who dare to come against his chosen ones. He will utterly destroy their enemy so that no remnant of them can be found. Again, God challenged the nations to work miracles of good or evil so that their power can be displayed and admired. God had searched the nations and found no one in them who could give counsel or answer his questions. This is further proof of their worthlessness. But God would put his servant in the midst of his people who would show them the way of perfection. His servant would be anointed with the spirit of God and he will be an example of meekness before them. His success is guaranteed. This servant himself will be a new covenant between God and his people. He shall also provide true knowledge to the Gentiles that they may also come to know God. He will liberate those who are spiritually bound. This servant will speak a prophetic word of truth. He will reveal things to come that Israel may know that he is the anointed Christ of God. When those things of old that were prophesied have come to pass, then God would prophesy new things through his anointed servant. God would not leave the future as a mystery to his people but would declare the future beforetime. For the Lord is God.

Robert C. Hudson
December 6, 2010