Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Salvation for God’s People

January 9, 2011

Background Scripture: Isaiah 45
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 45:14 – 25

God’s people have been called to eternal salvation. God’s people will receive eternal salvation. God gives the blessed assurance that He will bring His promises to pass. To those who live today as well as those who have died in the faith, eternal salvation has and always has been a promise that God has allowed His people to embrace. In the text of our lesson today, God declares that He will bring the promise to fruition. God creates, moves, and speaks with purpose. God does none of these things in vain or with emptiness of purpose. What God has declared, He will bring to pass. In the background passage of this lesson, God gave Israel an assurance that was so absolute that He called their deliverer by name over one hundred and fifty years before He raised him up to perform it. God challenges His people to not question His purpose. They were created to fulfill His will and therefore their purpose is intertwined with His. It is not the place of the created to question the creator. Here, God refutes all of the scientific theories of evolution and declares that everything that exists was created by Him. Not only was the earth created by Him but all of the heavens as well. The earth did not evolve to become an inhabitable planet with a sterile environment as a result of happenstance. God declares that He made the earth to be inhabited. In other words, God created earth’s atmosphere as it is. Afterwards, He created man to live on the earth. The earth is no accident and neither is mankind. They were both created by God with a purpose. Mankind’s purpose can only be realized as he seeks out God and receives directions from Him. The time is coming when God will destroy what He has created and recreate it anew. Mankind will only be saved from destruction by turning to his creator, God, and trusting in Him for deliverance. God declares that there is no other god. All that man may create to worship is utterly useless. Neither the work of man’s hands, those things found in nature, nor the heavenly bodies have any saving power in them. If a person is to be saved, they will be saved through God and God alone. There is no other hope for salvation outside of God. God describes everyone who turns to idols as being without knowledge or ignorant. They have no concept as to what God has done, what God is doing, or what God is going to do. But God has revealed many of these things to His people that they may know and seek after Him. God uses prophecy to inform His people far in advance of things that He will bring to pass in time. Therefore, He invites us to look to Him and Him alone for salvation. Whether one chooses to turn to God or not, one day everyone will bow down and acknowledge God. God’s people will be blessed and made happy in Him and those that are not His will be ashamed and afterwards destroyed. God is salvation for His people.

Robert C. Hudson
December 27, 2010