Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Praise the Lord

April 17, 2011

Background Scripture: Mark 11:1 – 11
Lesson Passage: Mark 11:1 – 11

Today’s lesson provides the historical background for the celebration of Palm Sunday. This event took place at the beginning of the Passover week as Jesus prepared to participate in his final Passover meal with his disciples. This week is better known to Christians today as Passion Week. The lesson passage was taken from the Gospel of Mark, however, this event is attested to by all four writers of the gospel account. According to the gospel writers, Jesus made his grand entrance into Jerusalem in the fashion of a king with one twist of humility (or irony), he would not be riding a princely mount or a warhorse but instead a young donkey or beast of burden. This was even as it had been prophesied by Zechariah about five centuries prior. This was an unusual entrance for a king. Also unusual about this is the fact that Jesus himself had orchestrated it all. Jesus had been keeping a low profile and avoiding Jerusalem prior to this event. But for this occasion, he sent two of his disciples to retrieve the young donkey. He told them which village to go to and how to recognize the particular beast chosen for the occasion. Any beast would not do but it had to be the one that had not been ridden and was preordained for this moment. Those standing by when the disciples went to retrieve the colt questioned them but they answered as Jesus had instructed them to, the master has need of him. They apparently had nothing further to ask or say about the matter and the disciples took the colt and returned to Jesus with it. They covered the animal with items of clothing and Jesus sat upon it and began to make his entrance into the holy city of Jerusalem. As Jesus made his grand entrance into Jerusalem, many went before him and others followed. They all cheered him on. Those who went before placed palm branches and items of clothing in his path as part of the celebration. The palm branches were used historically as a sign of military victory although this hero was coming in humility as the Prince of Peace. The people cried out in recognition of Jesus by using his messianic title “Son of David”. They accepted Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecy concerning David’s son once again ruling Israel as their king. King David had held God and the temple in high esteem; this fulfillment of prophecy would do no less. Jesus led the procession to the temple where he inspected it and left Jerusalem and returned to Bethany because it was evening. The next day he returned and cleansed the temple of the money changers and declared that the temple’s intended purpose is to be a house of prayer. Although many had come to Jerusalem for the Passover week celebration and therefore joined in on this celebration as well, yet there were those among the religious leaders who scoffed at what Jesus was doing and were repulsed by it. While the leaders complained, others seized the moment and realized what God was doing and join the praise for their messiah. At least for that Sunday, many were willing to forget about their daily cares and just praise the Lord.

Robert C. Hudson
April 6, 2011