Monday, September 26, 2011

Living an Ordered Life

October 2, 2011

Background Scripture: Proverbs 28:1 – 29:27
Lesson Passage: Proverbs 29:16 – 27

Today’s lesson closes out our study in the book of Proverbs. These are the last verses recorded in Proverbs that are attributed to Solomon. The last two chapters in Proverbs are attributed to Agur and King Lemuel. In this text, Solomon notes several characteristics that are important for living an ordered life. It is not suggested that these things will bring peace and harmony but it is intimated that the absence of them will surely bring disappointment and hardships.

Discipline is described as necessary for proper child rearing. Sometimes words must be reinforced with action to be effective. An undisciplined child will bring disappointment to his parents but a child who has been trained properly—including discipline, will bring joy to his parents. People need a positive plan for the future to help propel them. Without this plan, or vision, people will become disorganized, confused, and lost along the way. Achieving goals in life helps establish a sense of well-being and wholeness. Having a plan for the future is important to achievement. Whereas a vision is useful to a person’s well-being, anger will destroy it. A person who is angry is often blinded to circumstances around them. Anger can quickly turn a person into a destroyer of good things. If one is to live an ordered life, then the instructions given in the bible must be embraced that says be angry and sin not. The bible also warns us to not allow anger to fester or last into the night. If anger can destroy us in a negative manner, then pride can do so in a positive way. It is easy to become so proud of ourselves that we forget the God who reordered our lives and made this transition possible. Pride can cause us to feel self-sufficient. When we feel self-sufficient there is no thought concerning God’s place in our lives. A healthy dose of humility is the remedy needed for such a condition. Humility in the heart and mind can be attained when a person properly evaluates himself in the light of God’s word. God’s word is like a mirror for the soul. It reflects all there is to know about us in any situation. Anyone who looks into the perfect Law of God with an open mind and receptive heart will quickly ascertain an attitude of humility. We should also strive to remove fear from our lives. This is especially true of fear as it relates to following after God. Too often many of us are so afraid of failing that we refuse to try and allow our faith in God’s promises to prevail. Fear is a tormentor. Fear tortures us emotionally. Faith on the other hand gives us a holy boldness to follow after God and His ways.

Finally, we are admonished to know that there is no communion between wickedness and righteousness. Righteous people are as much of a problem for the wicked as the wicked are a problem for the righteous. Our only place of meeting is at the cross of Jesus Christ.

Robert C. Hudson
September 21, 2011