Monday, March 5, 2012

The Word Became Flesh

March 11, 2012

Background Scripture: John 1:1 – 18
Lesson Passage: John 1:1 – 14

I believe that the Gospel according to John contains some of the most profound statements in the bible. Much of the text in our lesson is very poetic in its construct. I say those things to say that it can seem a daunting task to get beyond the poetry and the awe-inspiring use of the language to glean the message contained in the script. Our lesson title suggests the main focus of the lesson passage. That which was pure spirit took on flesh and provided mankind with a glimpse at the personality of God. Flesh, even in its sinless state, cannot fully express the essence of spirit which is eternal. However, when flesh is put under subjection of the Spirit, then the actions of the flesh will exhibit characteristics of the Spirit. We are able to deduce the nature of the Spirit by observing flesh that is completely surrendered to it. How can God who is Spirit manifest Himself to mankind who is mostly preoccupied with things of the flesh? We have a fairly reasonable understanding of the nature of the flesh. We recognize actions that are driven primarily by the desires of the flesh. In fact, before we have been regenerated, all of our actions and indeed what we come to know as growing up are dictated by the desires of the flesh. After we have been regenerated, we discover even more about ourselves as it relates to our carnal (flesh) person. God’s Spirit in us wars against our flesh because the flesh is an enemy of God. This inner war helps us to comprehend the deep division that once separated us from God. Our consciences were once so seared that we were unaware of our rebellion against God’s holiness. We knew little about ourselves and nothing about God. This all changed because of the incarnation of God’s Spirit. When the Spirit of God took on flesh, we could begin to see characteristics of God that we were not previously aware of. Jesus plainly demonstrated to the world what could not be fully grasped before. Jesus was God’s nature on display. Much of the Old Testament scriptures were made clear to us through and by Jesus. Through his examples we were allowed to see that which had been hidden in God from eternity past. By his teaching we could receive a measure of faith so that we would know to call on the Lord for forgiveness and salvation. What was once only vaguely comprehended by mankind was made clear through Jesus. Everything to be known about God is embodied in His word. Jesus said it best when he said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” The word of God mysteriously drew us to Christ. However, our understanding of spiritual matters was still extremely limited. We more readily receive physical information learned by observation and examples. God would not allow us to remain handicapped in our ability to receive faith so that the gap between Him and us could be closed. If mankind needed flesh to be the example of God’s likeness and to suffer a sinful death to rescue man’s soul, then so be it. God provided us everything we needed. The Word became flesh.

Robert C. Hudson
March 5, 2012