Monday, January 27, 2014

Hear and Do the Word

February 2, 2014 Background Scripture: James 1:19 – 27 Lesson Passage: James 1:19 – 27 The Sunday School lessons for this month will come from the Epistle of James. James addressed his letter to the Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the region as a result of religious persecution. This letter provides instructions on the practical application of Christian principles and a step-by-step approach to living in this world as Christians—even in the face of persecution. Christians should believe that persecution that comes as a result of doing the will of God as we are led by the Spirit is reason to rejoice. When we are attacked for doing good deeds, we should remember that it is because we are children of God. Prayer should be an ongoing part of Christian living. Through prayer, we should be confident that God is hearing us and working out everything for our good. James also reminded them that earthly glory can be fleeting. In the scriptures which comprise the text of today’s lesson, James wrote instructions that give the proper conduct for Christians. Many of us cause ourselves and others undue harm by talking when we should be listening. It is always better to have an understanding before we take action. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we learn to listen to what others are saying so we can gain a better understanding even before we speak. Sometimes we are angered by situations or we have incorrect suppositions because we have not listened to others and we have allowed our emotions to get the best of us. We cannot live and act as God would have us when we are angry towards others. Our attitude affects how effective we are in behaving in a God-fearing manner. In quietness we should receive the word of God and meditate on it. Through prayer and meditation, we should allow the word of God to become united with our very being. It should be more than rote memory of scriptures that we can repeat without obeying what those scriptures say to us about how we ought to live. When we hear the word of God and don’t allow it to fuse with us internally, it is like looking at ourselves in a mirror but when we turn from the mirror, we can no longer recall all of the details of our image. God’s word gives us instructions on how we should live in this world. What actions should we take? How should we react? What should we say? When should we speak and when should we be quiet? What attitude should we have as we go through life? The word of God answers all of these questions and questions we don’t even know to ask or how to ask them. Christians should follow the instructions of God’s word at all times. We should not attempt to depend on the word of God only when we think we have no other options. The instructions in God’s word should be a part of the deeds we do on a daily basis. Christianity is not what people put on display for others to admire. Christianity is the life Christians live at all times. Professing one thing and living another is emptiness and hypocrisy. Christians should be inspired to look after the least of those among us. God’s law of love should guide Christians and then we would not be prone to become embroiled in the wickedness and greed of this world. Then our religion will be pure before God. Robert C. Hudson January 27, 2013