Monday, February 16, 2015

Clothed and Ready

February 22, 2015 Background Scripture: Ephesians 6:10 – 20 Lesson Passage: Ephesians 6:10 – 20 It has been said that you are not properly dressed until you put on your smile. Our lesson today will show that a smile might make a nice accessory to one’s physical dress but it does not make the list of spiritual wear. Physical clothing is needed for protection and it is often used to maintain a wholesome sense of modesty and to avoid embarrassment. Physical clothing is often used to make us comfortable. On the other hand, spiritual clothing is used for spiritual warfare. No serious person of war would ever think of entering battle or even a war zone without the proper clothing and gear. Today’s lesson allows us to review the spiritual person’s clothing and gear. The point can be made that it is head-to-toe but not front-to-back. Our spiritual gear is for spiritual warfare and not spiritual comfort. Christians don’t have to look for a war zone. Demonic activities will ensure that the spiritual battle will come to us over and over again. Therefore, it is wise for us to be properly dressed spiritually and properly armed at all times. We cling to the truth of our salvation to help protect our thoughts from the attacks of the enemy. The spiritual battle often engages us in our minds. Our testimony of saving faith is rehearsed over and over if only in our minds. We must constantly remind ourselves of who we are in Christ as we endure spiritual battles in our lives. Our spiritual hearts must be protected through the acknowledgement of Christ’s righteousness in us and the righteous acts we do because we are Christians—not that we do these things to become Christians. Our right standing before God is solely the redemptive work of Christ and not a result of any actions or inactions on our part. This understanding and affirmation aid in protecting our most vital spiritual organ. We must wear truth even as we would a belt. A belt is not a piece of clothing but an accessory to our clothing. Some clothing does not fit properly without a belt to hold it all together. Truth is an all-important accessory to our spiritual clothing. The truth found in God’s word helps us hold it all together as far as our faith is concerned. Christians are just not the same without it. Christians should always stand on the gospel as God’s exclusive means of salvation to anyone who accepts it. As we go, this is a constant part of our understanding. Our faith protects us from demonic attacks. What is faith? It is the assurance we receive through the knowledge of the word of God that gives us both insight and foresight. It was by faith that the spiritual leaders of the past excelled and received God’s approval. They didn’t always receive what they were longing for but their faith satisfied their desire. The word of God is our primary weapon. Jesus used it during his temptation in the wilderness. He also used it in the Temple and synagogues to battle those who through misinformed knowledge attempted to attack him. Perhaps a smile would be an interesting accessory but if we have these spiritual items, then with or without a smile, we are clothed and ready. Robert C. Hudson January 29, 2015