Tuesday, June 6, 2023

God Reigns

June 4, 2023 Background Scripture: Isaiah 52: 1 - 12 Lesson Passage: Isaiah 52:7 - 12 "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” That is a saying we often accept at face value. It seems to make a lot of sense. However, there is an unspoken condition that gives this saying context. Corruption does not come from, or with, power. Corruption must already be present in the one who wields such power. In other words, people tend to give credibility to the saying because humanity is corrupt because of the presence of sin in our flesh. This saying could never be applied to God. God is all powerful without corruption. Mankind was created in God's image and after His likeness to be as God. Sin has marred mankind and made our flesh corruptible. We no longer have the capacity to rule without corruption. As leaders, we must depend on God to help us be better than we are. We miss the mark of God's righteousness, and yet we anticipate a perfect future because of God's promises. Even when we are in positions of leadership, we are never in absolute control. There is One who reigns above us. God reigns. That's the statement. Even when we become our own worst enemy, God is still in control of everything. No matter how difficult the moment may seem, God is still on the throne. Sometimes we talk and behave as though we are waiting for a day when God will be "elected" King of kings and Lord of lords. God is God without mankind's acknowledgment or approval. These simple statements of fact can be hard to fathom when life is difficult for an extended amount of time. This was the case for the recipients of Isaiah's message. Isaiah shared these words of encouragement with the Jewish exiles living in Babylon. They were not stranded away from home. They were in Babylon as captives, spoils of war. There was a time when their situation seemed improbable. They were God's covenant people. Despite their difficult situation, God was still in control. Furthermore, God was going to bring them out of captivity. The prophet cited God's reputation of delivering His people from the hand of their enemy. The family of Jacob went to Egypt to live as honored guests of the Pharoah. Over time Pharaohs changed and the people of God became slaves. God delivered them from Egyptian bondage. Assyria attacked Israel and taxed Judah without provocation. God stepped in and put an end to Assyria. When other nations attacked Israel and prevailed, they saw it as a victory for their idol gods. They saw their temporary victory as a strike against Israel's powerless "god". They were blasphemous in speaking of the God of Israel, God saw His honor and Israel's dignity as one and the same. Put another way, God completely identifies with His people who are called by His name. Whatever injures the people of God is seen by God as an attack against Him. Now, back to the topic: "God Reigns". Human rulers have tenure and a realm where their rule is acknowledged. Some rule for a specified amount of time, and others rule for life. Both are temporary. God's rule is from everlasting to everlasting. His tenure has no bounds. God's realm is always everywhere. God created everything. There is no place where God's authority doesn't apply. Again, these are simple statements of fact that can be difficult for people of God to comprehend and accept as true. We still fear people who are mere mortals. They are here today and gone forever later. They can be powerful now and powerless later. These things could never be truthfully said about God. God is present everywhere and always powerful. God Reigns! Robert C. Hudson May 13, 2023