Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A New Respect

Background Scripture: Ezekiel 36:22 – 32
Lesson Passage: Ezekiel 36:22 – 32

Today's lesson continues our study of Ezekiel's prophecies of restoration for the Nation of Israel. Each lesson presents some aspect of the total restoration that God is going to provide; however, the restoration will be under God’s control and not left up to their abilities. Our focus in today’s text is on restoring respect. What is respect? It is in fact twofold, i.e., it is how others see us and at the same time it is how we see ourselves. What God is promising in today's lesson passage is described against the backdrop of Israel’s past failures. God reminded Israel that they had brought shame to his name because of their lifestyle before the other nations. Because Israel violated God's laws and defiled his ordinances, the righteousness of God demanded that justice be served. Israel was judged by God because they misused and abused the land of promise once they had possessed it. God used heathen nations to punish Israel. Their punishment was so severe that their destitute state became part of the gossip. God first assured the prophet Ezekiel that those other nations who had mocked and put down the Jews because of their state of punishment, would indeed themselves be punished and at the same time they will witness Israel’s return to prosperity. Not only would Israel return to her previous condition, but conditions would be better than previously.

This good news was tempered with a bit of reality. God commanded Ezekiel to make it clear to Israel that what he was going to do would not be for their sakes but for his own name’s sake. The respect that would be brought about was in fact a new respect for God himself. It would not be enough just to restore Israel and give them a new leader. God demanded that they also abide by his laws and observe his ordinances. This would require two things. On the one hand, Israel would need to be cleansed spiritually. Because of their idolatry as well as their intermingling with other nations, God considered them to be ceremonially unclean. God promised to sprinkle or cleanse them of their spiritual defilement. After this, to insure that they would not go back to their old habits, God reminded them of earlier prophecy that he would give them a new spirit and a new heart. The Spirit of God in them would guide them and cause them to walk according to God's commandments. This is indeed good news. Israel would not have to remember all of the laws or statutes nor would they be required to remember all of the ordinances. The Spirit of God in them would be their guide and teacher; he would bring back to their remembrance all they needed to know so they could walk in the ordinances and laws of God. As changed people, Israel will be able to walk before other nations as godly examples because they will have the Spirit of God living in them. Their land will be fruitful and blessings will again flow from God. Only then would Israel be able to command the respect that God so richly deserved. This would not be a result of their might or strength nor would it be the result of their minds. But this could only come about because of the work of God on the inside of each one of them. They would indeed receive a new respect but it would not be for them. God’s restoration is for his name’s sake; he will be sanctified in Israel before the same nations that had once seen Israel bring shame to God’s name. In all that they would be able to do and all that they would become, it will be to God's glory. It would in fact be God who would receive a new respect.

Robert C. Hudson
March 9, 2009