March 29, 2009
Background Scripture: Ezekiel 47:1 – 12
Lesson Passage: Ezekiel 47:1 – 12
Today’s lesson is a fitting passage of scripture to summarize God’s ultimate destiny for those that are called by his name. The ultimate goal is abundant life. In previous lessons, God’s people received a new heart, new leadership, new respect, and a new spirit; now they will receive a sustained physical life of abundance. The promise here is for waters that give and sustain life. This passage describes a life-giving river that starts as a stream from the altar in the Temple of God. From the altar it flows out of the east gate of the temple in a steadily increasing flood that produces life where it touches. How different this spiritual flood is from a natural flood. Natural floods destroy life. Even fish in a body of water are destroyed by the sudden deluge of fresh waters from a natural flood. This is not the case with this spiritual flood. Places that are dead will be brought back to life by the life-giving waters. This spiritual flood resurrects the dead as can be seen by its effect on the previously dead Salt Sea. Even waters that were once uninhabitable will teem with life once the river of life touches it. The water would give rise to trees that would be for food and medicine. This is an indication that not only would life be given but it would also be sustained as a result of this life-giving stream. Wherever the waters flow, life would be given or restored. These waters originate at the altar inside of the temple. As the waters flowed, Ezekiel described them as increasing in depth and breadth. Ezekiel had the privilege of being led out into the water. The depth of the water went from ankle deep, to knee deep, to waist deep, then finally to a river that was too deep and wide to cross. What an experience this must have been! I believe that much of what we experience spiritually today is just ankle deep wading. If we would only allow ourselves to be led out a little deeper! When I am aware of a spiritual movement in my life, it is overwhelming. I cannot find adequate words to describe a spiritual encounter. Yet, I believe the spiritual water is only up to my ankles during those experiences. Perhaps this is what the Apostle Paul inferred when he said that eye has not seen nor ear heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him. He did, however, note that God has revealed those things to us by his Spirit. I dare say that Ezekiel’s vision is part of that revelation of God’s ultimate plan for us.
John’s description of the river of life in the book of Revelation sounds just like the vision Ezekiel was given. However, there is a greater witness than both Ezekiel and John concerning this life-giving water. That witness is none other than Jesus. In his teaching, Jesus said “He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” And what is the source of this water? Again, Jesus said “But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” This river will flow from the same place that Ezekiel noted—that is, it will flow from the temple of God. “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost who is in you, who you have of God, and you are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
Robert C. Hudson
March 21, 2009
God’s Grace
14 years ago