September 2, 2012
Background Scripture: Hebrews 10
Lesson Passage: Hebrews 10:19 – 31
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 A hallmark of Baptist Doctrine is “Perseverance of the Saints”. Simply put, Baptists believe that only those who endure to the end are truly saved. Others are mere professors of faith who have not had a true regenerative experience. There are many scriptures that attest to God’s promise to reward those who are faithful to the end. The Apostle John stated in his letter that those who were once with them but departed and began to teach heresy were never true believers although they were in the group with the believers. This is similar to the situation of Judas Iscariot who followed Jesus along with the other eleven disciples for approximately three and a half years but in the end it was manifest that he was not a true disciple of Jesus although he wore the title disciple and was called of Jesus to be one. The only way we can please God is by having faith in Him. This same faith calls for perseverance as is borne out by our lesson today. Perseverance is the quality whereby we remain steadfast even when it is difficult to do so. Even the prophet reminded God’s people that the just shall live by their faith. Children of God should not allow circumstances, situations or people to cause them to act out of character or to lose confidence in God. God’s promises are greater than anything we might encounter no matter how daunting it may seem. Faith demands that we look even beyond death. Many faithful servants of God died without experiencing some of what God promised but they died fully accepting that what God had promised He would provide whether they were here to physically see it or not. Perseverance has no time limit. When time runs out, perseverance allows us to remain faithful to God. Although faith sometimes places on believers the need to believe to the end, we are thankful to God that many times we experience God’s promises long before the end comes. God’s actions are not governed by man’s schedules or timeframes. God is able to deliver long after man’s deadline has passed and the results are often even more astounding. Perhaps this is one of the reasons we praise God for what He has done. The manner in which He operates is sometimes too wonderful for words. Just when we think we have it all figured out, God will do a new thing that surpasses our understanding. At times, we reflect on the testimony of our fore-parents who stated rather succinctly, He might not come when you want Him but He’s always on time! It was this attitude that allowed them to persevere through times of difficulty and uncertainty. Truly this is one of the values they have tried to instill in us. If we are going to mature in our faith in God, then we must persevere no matter what comes our way. “For you have need of patience that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.”
Robert C. Hudson
August 21, 2012