January 13, 2013
Background Scripture: Philippians 2
Lesson Passage: Philippians 2:1 – 13
I am convinced that there are only a few originals in the world today. It seems as though everything and everybody are clones or copies of others. Even knock-off brands often outsell the originals. People remind us of other people. They sound like, walk like, or act like someone else. If you come up with a great theory, you are not unique. You are just “another” Einstein. If you create unique music, then you are another Beethoven. This all reminds me of a very old movie called “Imitation of Life”. Although this can seem disheartening, yet it can also be encouraging. It was great growing up with four older brothers and what seemed to be an endless supply of older cousins. I could imitate their success and avoid their failures fairly risk free. Imagine having the perfect role model to imitate so that every step you take and every decision you make will always be the right ones. This would take a lot of confusion and guess work out of life. This is precisely what the Apostle Paul urged the Christians at Philippi to consider. The perfect role model that Paul suggested was Christ Jesus. Jesus’ example showed exactly how to have a perfect relationship with God. He demonstrated the disposition that was needed to come into right relationship with God, i.e., a disposition of humility. In fact, Paul challenged the believers to consider Jesus’ thinking pattern or mindset. God did not humble Jesus but rather Jesus humbled himself. The result of his self-imposed humility was subsequent exaltation by God. Jesus did not apply for a higher position than the one he already had. Instead, he abased himself rather than fight to maintain his previous status. Jesus put himself at God’s disposal for God to work through him however He chose to. Jesus paid an enormous price for his obedience. He submitted himself to the most humiliating death known to man at that time. Although Jesus is the author of life, he submitted himself to crucifixion that the judgment of God against humanity could be satisfied. In return, God exalted him high above everything and gave him a name that has unsurpassed power. Every creature whether of the earth or heaven will submit to the name of Jesus and pay homage to him. No one else will ever achieve such a thing but there is still the opportunity to be the best we can in this life and be rewarded throughout eternity in the life to come. To receive this, we have to have the mind of Christ and clothe ourselves in humility and submit to the Lordship of Christ. This is more than studying his example and trying to retrace all of his steps. We are to submit to the will of God and allow God to direct our steps in all that we do. The mind of Christ will cause us to seek to have God be glorified in our lives through submission to His will and following His directions. Like Jesus, we need to develop a continuous relationship with God and be ever listening to His voice. Then we will say as Jesus said, My Father works and therefore I do too.
Robert C. Hudson
December 27, 2012