March 3, 2013
Background Scripture: Daniel 7
Lesson Passage: Daniel 7:1 – 3, 9 – 14
The book of Daniel is a prophetic writing that provides keys that aid in the interpretation of biblical prophecy. The reason is much of Daniel’s prophecy (whether dreams or visions) is also interpreted within the book itself. Examples of this are presented in Chapter 7 where it is made clear that beasts are often symbolic of ungodly rulers and the great sea is indicative of the masses of people. When the beasts are shown coming up out of the sea, then the rulers come from among the people. Also, a beast with many horns can symbolize a dynasty whereby each horn represents a different ruler during the extent of the dynasty. Chapter 7 presents a disturbing vision that covers many years and a number of ungodly rulers. Those rulers have considerable sway over much of the world’s population. Even during the times where dynasties exist, some rulers often arise by subverting other rulers. No matter how disturbing the vision or menacing the ruler, the interpretation of the vision makes it clear that ultimately God is always in control. God, the Ancient of Days, is always on the throne. It is His throne that is above all others. No matter what takes place during the different times where the beasts are allowed to exert persecution upon the masses of people, God continues to sit on His throne and hold judgment in His hands. The interpretation of Daniel’s vision did not provide an explanation of God’s chosen one to overthrow the beasts and take dominion of everything for the saints of God. Daniel would not have needed an interpretation for he had known even as all Israel for years that God was going to send a Messiah to bring everything back in line with its created purpose. The Messiah would be from among the Jews. The Messiah receives everything from God including dominion of everything in heaven and on earth. For those who are simply part of the masses (or running with the crowd), the beasts will exert much pain, suffering, and persecution with no retribution for their suffering. However, for the saints who are among the masses, the Messiah will avenge them and they will reign with him. Here is a great biblical truth: The saints of God always come out on top in the end. We follow God’s instructions and we trust Him with the outcome. God has everything under control. Even as mankind appears to advance because of the invention and use of technology, it is made clearer everyday that there is a great regression in ethics and morality. Technology appears to have made the world smaller and at the same time it has caused people to become more distant one from another. We have become technically savvy and socially ruder. We value things and trample over people. In a sense, it seems as though the beasts who rule influence the behavior of the subjects of their dominion. If not for the Ancient of Days, mankind would eventually destroy himself. The one in Daniel’s vision who needed no interpretation, the Son of man, makes everything new again. The trend may be ugly but the vision makes it clear that there is a positive change coming. When the Son of man sets up his kingdom, it shall not be destroyed ever.
Robert C. Hudson
February 18, 2013