May 5, 2013
Background Scripture: 1 Peter 1
Lesson Passage: 1 Peter 1:3 – 16
You ever notice how some people can become depress in the midst of a good time because of the thought that “all good things must come to an end”? Can you imagine living a life where there is always something wonderful to look forward to rather than the end of a “good time”? No matter how low the dark clouds hang during the day or how long and painful the night might feel, there will always be that ray of golden sunshine beckoning us onward towards a bright future. This is not fantasy or make-believe for Christians. Christians live in a constant state of hope. This is what continuously propels us forward through all manner of circumstances whether those are good times or bad. Our destiny is firmly planted in a future that God has planned for us. We know this because this is what Jesus taught. He encouraged us to not worry about tomorrow or even the necessities of today. God provides for birds of the air as well as grass in the fields. Surely God holds us in higher esteem than birds or grass. Jesus also taught us to not heap up treasures for ourselves on earth because they are too easily destroyed or taken away from us. Rather, we are to store our treasures in heaven where they will be safe from thieves and robbers. In our lesson today, Peter reminds us of these promises. Peter wrote that we have a promised inheritance that cannot be taken away. Therefore, we should have joy in the midst of the trials of life. We are reminded that our ultimate goal is not to live forever in this sinful and fallen world but the salvation of our soul is the ultimate goal. We are saved to spend eternity with Christ in the presence of God. There, we will be able to live life as God created it to be before it was robbed of its essence through the sin of Adam. Our treasures that have been safely kept by God will be there for our enjoyment. Our current life in this world as Spirit-empowered Christians is the proof that God will bring all of His promises to fruition. We are living in a time that God promised thousands of years ago. Past prophets spoke of these times which we now live in. The Spirit of Christ was in them and guided them into this truth. As they spoke these spiritual truths, they were inspired by the same Spirit who now empowers us to live this current life. Even angels have been curious about God’s redemptive plan. Christians live in a reality that angels are curious about but cannot partake in. Angels who left their first estate are not redeemed but are destined to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. Angels who never fell away need no redemption. The life and glorious promises of God for Christians is indeed a mystery for spiritual beings. Grace is a relationship that only exists between God and mankind. Yet, what we live and experience through the presence of the Holy Spirit in us is just a foretaste of what is to come. The fullness of grace will be revealed at the return of Christ. Knowing this should cause us to be serious, steadfast, and secure concerning our salvation and relationship with God through Christ. Our past lives were controlled by our sinful passions and ignorance of spiritual truths. Today we should live to please God seeing what things God has provided us now with even greater things promised for the future. We have a living hope.
Robert C. Hudson
April 24, 2013