April 14, 2013
Background Scripture: Acts 2:1 – 41
Lesson Passage: Acts 2:1 – 16
Before Jesus was crucified, he had given his disciples comforting assurance that they would not be abandoned when the time came for him to leave them. In fact, Jesus assured his disciples that the one who would take his place would stay with them forever. Jesus’ replacement would be a comforting presence in their lives. Jesus told them that he would not be visible; so the world would not be able to see him but because he would live on the inside of his disciples, his disciples would readily be aware of his presence. Jesus also told them about the ministry his replacement would be providing. He would convict hearts, convince minds, and cause people to become cognizant of the reality of a judgment day. His work would have a clear priority. He would testify of Jesus as the Savior of the world. He would serve as a personal assistant to the disciples in that he would bring back to their remembrance all that Jesus had taught them even though they might not have understood it at the time. He would work side by side with Jesus’ followers as they served in their respective ministries. All of this Jesus talked about in the Gospel of John Chapters 14, 15, and 16. After Jesus had suffered and died and was raised again, he reminded his disciples of the promise he made to them prior to his suffering of the replacement who would become their helper. He commissioned his disciples to spread the good news worldwide and win the lost back to God. But they were not supposed to attempt such a monstrous task without the assistance of the helper. They would never be able to accomplish the work in their own strength or by using their own knowledge. Jesus warned his disciples to remain in Jerusalem until he sent the helper back to them. Fifty days after Jesus ascended back to heaven the promise was fulfilled. Jesus’ disciples numbered about one hundred twenty. They had gathered for prayer and according to the book of Acts, they were of one mind or on one accord. This is a beautiful portrait of the pre-natal church prior to being birthed into the world. They were one organization that was about to become one organism. At this point, these individuals were bound together by a common love for Jesus and because they had witnessed his miraculous ministry. After this impending encounter, they would be spiritually connected by the same Spirit—the promised helper. This encounter would not be subtle. They would experience the arrival of the Holy Ghost to begin the process of baptizing believers into the body of Christ and empowering them for the work of evangelizing the world. They would do greater works than those they had witnessed Jesus do. People outside of the church would see the results of the Holy Ghost’s arrival although they would not be able to see Him. Because the disciples had been taught what to expect of the Holy Ghost, there was no doubt in their minds as to what took place. The promise had been fulfilled. The church was born as a light in a dark world. Jesus had sent the Spirit.
Robert C. Hudson
April 8, 2013