June 16, 2013
Background Scripture: Isaiah 29
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 29:9 – 16
In today’s lesson, Isaiah warns the people that God will bring disaster against Jerusalem. Jerusalem was made the seat of Israel’s government and central point of their worship during King David’s reign. However, over the course of time, their worship had become empty rituals. They had a good track record as far as yearly observance of the festivals that were decreed by God. In other words, they were religious in terms of their observance of the sacred festivals. But their actions were not the result of true inner religious convictions. There was no true fear of God but only outward actions that they were taught to follow as a demonstration of reverence or fear of God. With their mouths they spoke the right words. But those words were not from their hearts but rather rehearsed and remembered and recalled on demand—from their heads. Their actions looked right and their speech sounded right but there was no connection between those actions and speech and their innermost thoughts and desires. What they were doing was merely “empty” worship. Now the warning had come from the prophet. Not only was their worship not acceptable to God, but now God was going to bring a devastation upon them to demonstrate His dissatisfaction with their actions and words. Israel’s security would be taken away and they would be left at the hands of their enemies round about them. Furthermore, when they seek God’s face, he would hide from them. There would be no word from the Lord through His prophets. The seers would have no vision of the future for they too would be spiritually blinded by the Lord. Israel had the Holy Writ but the learned would not be able to comprehend what was in it because God would seal off their ability to understand what they read. The unlearned were already in darkness concerning the writings and they would remain there not even capable of reading with or without understanding. God’s desire is for the hearts of men to show forth righteousness and yet they dared to worship Him without it. Lip service and empty actions are of no value to God. Trying to find out from others how to appease God would be fruitless because God would also be aware of their actions in spite of their attempt to hide it from Him. God would bring about a wonder among the people. They who were deaf would hear God’s word and they who were blind would see the works of their God. They who were marginalized in society would be brought to the front and center and they would be seen rejoicing in God. The generation who had brought about such devastation and shame would be further humbled when they see their offspring worshiping God in truth and in spirit. These things are not part of God’s original plan for His people but they would happen as a result of their actions. They were going through the motions of worship but God desired true worship. Their worship should be a reflection of their sincere devotion to God. God wants His people to worship with meaning.
Robert C. Hudson
June 4, 2013