December 1, 2013
Background Scripture: Luke 1:26 – 45
Lesson Passage: Luke 1:26 – 40
Good News from Heaven! There are many aspects that allow us to appreciate the significance of the birth of the Christ child. One such aspect is that God dispatched an angel to deliver the news to people on earth. So what’s so significant about that? For centuries, prophets of God had foretold the birth of the Messiah. It had even been written down and passed from generation to generation in Israel. But this announcement would be different. This time, the earthly mother of God’s son would get the news and it would not be delivered by the mouth of a prophet but rather by God’s personal messenger, Gabriel. This was the same messenger who had personally delivered God’s messages to Daniel in the land of Babylon. Gabriel spoke of himself as one who stands in the presence of God. What an honor to have such a one to personally deliver God’s message to his servant. Why God would send an angel and not a prophet I do not know. Suffice to say that Mary was truly looked upon favorably by God to receive such an honor. Gabriel even declared that Mary was “blessed and highly favored” among women because God was with her. Gabriel gave Mary the good news that she would give birth to a son who she must name Jesus. He went on to explain what would happen and how it would miraculously be brought about. In answering Mary’s question of how this could be, Gabriel explained that the baby she would give birth to would not be as other human babies. This baby would be God incarnate. That is “God in human flesh”. Furthermore, she would not need any help from a man since this child would be God’s begotten son. God was going to do a new thing. God promised Adam and Eve that the seed of Eve would bruise the devil’s head. Mary was chosen by God to receive this honor which would only be done once in the history of mankind. How does one react to such news? How do you wrap your mind around something so unprecedented that there are no examples to consider? Gabriel gave Mary directions concerning how to strengthen her faith in the promise of God for her life. He told her what God had already done for her cousin Elizabeth. Mary found further witness of God’s grace and power by visiting Elizabeth. Elizabeth was already six months pregnant although she was previously barren. God had already worked a miracle in Elizabeth’s life. Mary, still excited and perhaps a little dazed, went to visit her cousin. As Mary entered the house and greeted Elizabeth, God gave witness through the mouth and confession of Elizabeth. Elizabeth repeated the salutation the angel Gabriel had used to greet Mary. She went on to acknowledge the fruit of Mary’s wound as being blessed as well. Then she spoke of Mary’s faith in the message God had sent her. Although the promise was yet to be fulfilled, Mary’s faith was the assurance that God would perform what He promised. Now Mary could remain faithful and know that God would watch over His word to perform it. This word that proclaimed the birth of Jesus was foretold by the angel.
Robert C. Hudson
November 21, 2013