December 15, 2013
Background Scripture: Luke 1:57 – 80
Lesson Passage: Luke 1:57, 58, 67 – 79
Zacharias was unable to speak for nine months. During those months, he was anticipating the arrival of his first born—a son! His condition was a daily reminder of his unbelief when the angel, Gabriel, brought him the good news that the Lord was going to bless him and his wife with a child. One could hardly blame him for being somewhat skeptical seeing that they were both well-stricken in years and she was barren up to that point. Nevertheless, he asked for a sign that would be proof that the angel was telling the truth. Being dumb and unable to speak was the sign that was given to him. (Be careful what you ask for!) Now, nine months later, the time had come and his wife, Elisabeth gave birth to their son, John. John? Obviously being well stricken in years has many effects on a person because this name doesn’t make sense according to the customs of the family. He should be named Zacharias to honor his daddy (That’s “ZJ” for you post-millennial people.). No. Elizabeth was sure that his name should be John. Perhaps someone should figure out how to communicate with Zacharias so that he can help keep his wife straight about protocol. One of their guests made signs or gestures to Zacharias to try to get through to him—that’s strange since he was unable to speak and not unable to hear! They could have just told him what they wanted or asked him any question because he could hear. However, Zacharias made signs back and asked for a writing tablet. With it he wrote a very simple sentence: His name is John. The argument was settled and his tongue was loosed at the same time. With his restored speech, Zacharias praised God to the amazement of his guests. If one child can cause all of this, then what type of person is this child going to be? The Judean rumor mill was ablaze with conversation about this. Zacharias went from praising to prophesying. He knew exactly what type of person this child would become. He might have doubted in the beginning but there was no doubt in his mind now. In fact the Holy Ghost filled him so any doubt would have been pushed out for the moment so that he was free to honor God through a word of prophecy. The Messiah of Israel was on the way and Zacharias’ son, John, would be the one to herald the good news of his arrival. John would become God’s prophet and a very special one at that. He would be the prophet that other prophets had foretold would come. He would deliver a convicting and convincing word that would turn the hearts of Israel towards God in repentance. If they were going to receive the Messiah, their hearts had to be right. John’s ministry was that of spiritual heart fixer. His message of repentance would prepare people to receive the long awaited promised Messiah. John would boldly declare to the people that salvation of God was now available when the Messiah was unveiled to Israel. Through this, God would honor his centuries old promise He made to Abraham about his descendants. The Messiah would make things right between God and His people and John would be the one to introduce the Messiah to Israel. This is the manner of person this baby would become and Zacharias proclaimed it to Israel by way of prophecy.
Robert C. Hudson
December 4, 2013