December 22, 2013
Background Scripture: Luke 2:1 – 20
Lesson Passage: Luke 2:1 – 17
The world is filled with sin because the people of the world are exceedingly sinful. The sins of the people have destined them to eternal torment and destruction. The one Judge of the universe who decides these matters is holy and hates sin. The Judge looks upon the people with pity because without sin, they reflect His image and likeness. The only thing that separates the people from the Judge is sin. Sin entered the world because the first person chose to embrace sin rather than the relationship he had with the Judge. After that, sin had been a part of all people born into the world. People had continuously yearned for His presence and a relationship with the Judge. Sin had prevented that embrace because sin is filth to the Holy One and therefore it makes people contemptible. With all of the attempts that people made to cleanse themselves of the filth, they all failed. There remained the yearning of the people for the Divine embrace and the Holy One yearned to see the perfect reflection of Himself fill the world. Sin is the only thing that prevents both from being satisfied. There is a plan: start over. Begin anew with a man who is without sin. Give him the responsibility to cleanse the world of sin and to teach the world how to live in expectancy of being sinless. If He begins again with the dust of the ground, He will make a perfect man. But can He begin with sinful flesh and bring perfection out of it? It can be done if man has nothing to do with it. If man has anything to do with it, this accomplishment would cause a sinful man to be filled with pride and bask in his own glory before the holy Judge. Yet, the Judge has already declared that no flesh will glory in His presence. Therefore, God must do a new thing. A Holy Seed must be placed in the womb of a virgin who has known no man. Although she is sinful, the Seed will not be. God must become the Seed and live nine months in the womb of the virgin. When He is born as a baby, He must place Himself in the hands of earthly parents who will fear Him as much as they love Him. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made. All they could give Him would be some of what already belongs to Him. Therefore, His earthly parents must be too poor to boast about giving Him anything. They must feed and protect Him—and even leave their homeland if that becomes necessary for His safety. Such a miraculous occurrence would be too great to escape the praise of the Heavenly Host or the earthly wise. Therefore angels will sing praises of His birth and wise men will seek Him when he is a child. Demons will tremble at His name and nature will humbly submit to His voice. God’s personal messenger, Gabriel, will deliver the prenatal announcement. When the fullness of time came, the young virgin entered labor and the Heavenly Host paced the Delivery Ward. The announcement came: It’s a boy! The Angelic Choir had an impromptu concert and stars became cross-country tour guides. Tell the good news: Jesus is born!
Robert C. Hudson
December 14, 2013