March 23, 2014
Background Scripture: Revelation 3:7; 5:5 – 13; 6:12 – 7:17; 22:16
Lesson Passage: Revelation 5:5 – 13
God sent forth an announcement through the prophet Ezekiel. The announcement declared that there was an open position that needed to be filled. God sought for a man to stand in the gap between the people of the land and Him. This man would be accountable for interceding on behalf of the people and thereby building a hedge around them. One caveat for job applicants is that the people of the land are totally undeserving of such a man for they have gone against the counsel and will of God. Yet God’s love for the people moved Him to announce that there was an open position. The report in the book of Ezekiel ended on a somber note: “but I found none”. We can thank God today because His mercy endures throughout all generations. After the age of the national prophets and Israel’s return to Palestine, it seemed as though Heaven fell silent for four hundred years. John the Baptist broke the four hundred year silence by proclaiming that the intercessor that God sought was among Israel in John’s day. John the Baptist went on to proclaim him to his disciples. Yet, the Jews rejected him as had been prophesied. However, to all who received him, he gave them the right and privilege to be called children of God. As we fast-forward to the end of time and look back, we see that all would not receive him although they had an opportunity to do so. So at the end of time the question is posed again in a different manner. As the Ancient of Days sat upon His heavenly throne holding a sealed book in His hand, an angel then asked, “Who is worthy to open the book by breaking the seven seals on it?” Again, the search went out as it did during the days of Ezekiel’s prophecy. This time the search was not limited to just the people of the land. The search also covered heaven and beneath the earth. John the Revelator cried because of the dim prospect that an intercessor would be found to receive the book and to break the seals and reveal the contents of the book. John the Revelator was comforted by an elder in Heaven when he was told there was one already in Heaven who met the qualifications. When John looked, he saw a Lamb that appeared to have been slain but yet He was alive. The Lamb approached the divine throne and took the book out of the hand of the Ancient of Days. This action prompted a spontaneous praise from the heavenly saints who declared that the Lamb was worthy because through His death, many were brought to eternal life from all nationalities, languages, and races of people. Having been raised from death and made executor over His own last will and testament, the Lamb had elevated those who trusted in Him to levels of kings and priests before God. Those who were once not a people had become God’s people through the sacrifice of the Lamb. They were preserved through the ages by the Lamb’s intercession to God on their behalf. The Lamb then used His God-given authority to remove the seals from the book and time was brought to an end so that eternity future could begin its unending reign. Every creature in all places declared the blessings of God upon the Lamb because He was found worthy. We are assured today that when time has given way to eternity, the intercessor will be recognized by all and acknowledged by all. The Lamb is worthy to be praised by all throughout eternity.
Robert C. Hudson
March 10, 2013