May 11, 2014
Background Scripture: Leviticus 25:8 – 55; Isaiah 61; Luke 4:14 – 21
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 61:1 – 3; Luke 4:14 – 21
Jesus was born in flesh here on the earth for a purpose. Jesus clearly set forth his agenda for his earthly ministry. He was not here by accident nor was he haphazardly moving through life. The Spirit of God was upon him and he was anointed by the same Spirit for the work of ministry. Jesus was reared as a child in Nazareth of Galilee. He was taught to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. It was there where they studied the Holy Scriptures which foretold his coming and ministry. As a man, Jesus went to the synagogue one Sabbath day and read aloud from the prophet Isaiah from the place that detailed his ministry. He had been sent by God to God’s covenant people, Israel. Jesus was given a five-fold ministry on earth. First, he was to preach the gospel to the poor. The poorest in Israel had been marginalized by society as those who did not matter. The rich could enjoy a lavish lifestyle and look forward to an expected future. The poor were not being encouraged and told of the good things God had in store for them who love Him. Jesus’ ministry changed that and made the poor a priority. They were at the top of the list to receive good news from God. Although they had been pushed to the back, now they would be first in line. Secondly, Jesus would bring healing to those whose hearts had been broken. Many had become so discouraged that they no longer expected anything good out of life. They existed in perpetual depression. Jesus’ ministry would change that and restore hope and the joy of salvation for them. Thirdly, some in society had become prisoners to the devil’s devices. Demon possession had bound many and some had become a threat to society and a danger to themselves. Others even spent their lives living among the tombs. Jesus opened prison doors and set many of them free. No longer would they remain bound by demonic forces but they would be free to praise God and follow Him. Once they were naked and forsaken as crazy but with freedom they were then clothed and in their right minds. Some were born into their affliction. Even this would be for the glory of God. They would recover their sight and become living testimonies. Their parents would not be able to explain to others the miracle that God would work in their lives through Jesus. While their sight was restored, others who could see would become spiritually blind because of the hardness of their hearts. Many were emotionally and psychologically bruised. Jesus came to set at liberty those who were bruised. Jesus clearly came to fulfill prophecy. Jesus was sent into the world by God to live in complete submission to the will of the Father. He was sent to seek and save the lost sheep of Israel. Some, such as Zaccheus, were shunned because of their chosen career path. Jesus restored them because they were of the seed of Abraham. Jesus was sent by God to serve those he was sent to and not to be served by them during his earthly pilgrimage. Finally, Jesus’ mission on earth was to give his life as a ransom for many. He suffered the punishment mankind deserved for our disobedience to God. He died and poured out his blood to pay the penalty for our sins. Accepting this by faith makes us right with God. To all who look for his return, we know that Jesus said it best moments before he died. Jesus said: It is finished. Today, we say: Mission accomplished!
Robert C. Hudson
May 3, 2014