August 24, 2014
Background Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:1 – 7:4
Lesson Passage: 2 Corinthians 6:1 – 13; 7:1 – 4
In words and deeds Christians are called upon to be holy as God is holy. We are often challenged in various relationships to maintain our character because we have been called to walk in a newness of life. God’s grace has been abundantly shed in our hearts and it should show in our daily living. In fact, the grace of God in our lives should be beneficial to others. But this must take place within a pure exchange. The purity has to be on the part of those who have received God’s grace. Grace came to us pure from the absolute holiness of God into whatever situation we found ourselves in. Likewise, grace should extend out of purity in us into whatever situation others find themselves in. This is only possible through the power of God working to maintain purity of character in us. We should be careful that nothing in us offends others. We received the supernatural power of God in our lives and if it is allowed to flow through us, it will be supernatural when it arrives in the lives of others. We partner with Jesus to be all that God would have us to be. This partnership necessitates purity of heart, mind and character in us. Righteousness will not partner with unrighteousness. Light will not partner with darkness. Jesus will not partner with demonic spirits or workers of iniquity. Christian workers must take care to avoid fellowship with those who are not saved and don’t desire to be. This is not to suggest that there will be no contact between the saved and the unsaved. We know that we live in this world but we are not to be worldly. Contact and fellowship are two different things. How do we stay true to who we are? We trust God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We must have a sincere desire within us to honor God in all things. We know we cannot honor God and live unclean lives. There are some places and some people who must be off-limits to us now that we are in Christ. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost who lives in us and we are admonished to keep our temples fit for his presence. It is our new walk in Christ that causes us to desire to be at peace with all men—especially the household of faith. We strive hard to be reconciled with other believers. When there is disconnect, we should make sure that it is not on our end. We must always be quick to forgive and to seek forgiveness. Charity demands that we give into the needs of others. We should work hard to maintain the unity of fellowship within the body of Christ. The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians about the need for spiritual separation while at the same time he pleaded with them to be as open and loving towards him as he was towards them. He claimed that he had no faults in regards to them. Who among them could claim that he had wronged them? Paul declared that his love for them was sincere. Paul did this while encouraging them to abandon their worldly alliances. Paul made an appeal for reconciliation.
Robert C. Hudson
August 14, 2014