March 15, 2015
Background Scripture: John 16:4b – 15
Lesson Passage: John 16:4b – 15
For the third time in his discourse concerning the ministry of the Holy Ghost, Jesus referred to him as the Spirit of truth. What the disciples would receive later through revelation knowledge was going to be orchestrated by the indwelling Holy Ghost. God’s very existence and nature is not discoverable by mankind absent the revelation of the Holy Ghost. However, mankind has physical evidence of God’s existence therefore no one has an excuse to not come to God for salvation. God’s word plainly declares that the things that are offer proof of God’s existence. The perfect order and balance within nature is by intelligent design. On the other hand, knowing God exists and knowing God are two very different things. Nature offers proof of the first but only the Holy Ghost can lead one into the awareness and experience of the other. It is this truth that is revealed by the Holy Ghost that Jesus claimed will make one free. There is no other way to receive it, figure it out, or discover it. The Spirit of truth leads into all truths. Christians rejoice in the experience of the indwelling Holy Ghost because our eyes are open to a greater reality than what we experience physically, emotionally, or intellectually. The Spirit’s gentle approach and nurturing is reassuring as we encounter challenges in life. When we are confronted with undesirable choices or decisions, we know we can count on the leading of the Spirit of truth when we submit ourselves and ask that he order our steps. Where there is truth, the Spirit will guide us to it. The Spirit of truth is the epitome of one who is unselfish in that his mission revolves around the complete revelation of Jesus Christ to a dying world. What we know of the Holy Ghost is what Jesus taught concerning him. There is nothing further that the Sprit of truth reveals to us about himself. He constantly points the way to Jesus. The Holy Ghost opens our minds to allow us to see beyond the present and perceive a future state. He convinces us of our sin so that we are brought to repentance. He shows us that we don’t measure up to God’s standard of righteousness and therefore we stand in danger of eternal damnation unless we allow ourselves to be brought to Christ where we are saved and cleansed. Jesus made it clear that no one can come to Christ for salvation unless God draws him. It is through the ministry of the Spirit of truth that we are led to Calvary so that we may choose life by accepting the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. Man’s conscience is fickle and therefore not to be relied on. Christians should only allow the Spirit of truth to be our guide. All that the Holy Spirit does is in accordance with the purpose and will of God as revealed in His holy word. We are confident when we know that we are relying upon him because Jesus revealed the Spirit of truth to his disciples and now the Spirit of truth is revealing Jesus to the world. If truth is to be our guide, then the Spirit of truth is the only one who can direct us.
Robert C. Hudson
February 20, 2015