October 4, 2015
Background Scripture: Acts 8:9 – 25
Lesson Passage: Acts 8:9 – 24
Old habits are difficult to break. Even after we are saved, there is something about the comfort of the familiar that attempts to sneak back into our daily routines. How easily we are derailed from the truth of the gospel and turned again to the works of the flesh. Simon of Samaria is not one for us to look down on or hold in contempt as though we are better than him. Simon, for many of us, could easily be our alter ego. Simon, like many of us, attempted to combine his previous lifestyle without Christ with his recently received new birth in Christ. Before his conversion and regeneration, Simon was well known and respected as a magician. Many accepted Simon’s magic as a sign that he was approved of God. One could say that he was admired by all from the well-heeled to those without shoes. It’s not easy to walk away from a lifestyle that has that type of notoriety. After Simon heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and believed, he was baptized and began to spend time with Philip the Evangelist. He was impressed with the great signs and miracles wrought by God through Philip. As a practicing magician for a very long time, Simon knew that the miracles of God were real. For many years Simon gained fame by using magic to deceive people. Now he had the pleasure to be around someone who had the true power of God operating through him to work miracles. Philip’s preaching brought a spiritual revival to Samaria. The word of this got back to the church in Jerusalem. The apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John to Samaria—probably to confirm and strengthen the faith of the new converts. Peter and John prayed for the Christians of Samaria to receive the Holy Ghost through the manifestation of signs. We know that all who receive Jesus Christ are sealed with the Holy Ghost. Today’s lesson shows that being saved and sealed does not necessarily equate to being empowered with signs and wonders. Peter and John prayed that the salvation of the Christians in Samaria would be clearly shown with signs and wonders. After the apostles prayed, they laid hands on them and the Samaritans received the signs of the Holy Ghost’s presence in them. This was beyond what Simon had been seeing in the work of God through Philip. Now, Samaritan Christians were demonstrating the presence of the Holy Ghost in them and Simon wanted what the apostles had. Simon wanted to be able to lay his hands on people and see the gifts of the Holy Ghost operate in them. Simon offered to purchase this ability from Peter and John. Simon apparently missed the step involving prayer to God that the Samaritan Christians might receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost. This was done prior to the laying on of hands. Simon wanted to be able to just lay his hands on people and they receive the infilling to show forth the presence of the Holy Ghost in them. Peter rebuked Simon for such a selfish request. Simon’s request did not consider God’s will in the administration of spiritual gifts. He wanted that right for himself. At this point Simon set a great example for any Christian who gets out of line. Simon requested prayer of the apostles that God would forgive him and not punish him for his error. The Holy Ghost gives gifts as He wills to those He chooses. Simon made an error and was rebuked. How do we respond to being rebuked for our error?
Robert C. Hudson
September 21, 2015