September 18, 2016
Background Scripture: Isaiah 40
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 40:21 – 31
Isaiah Chapter 40 is the start of a very distinct change in the prophet’s writing. Some believe the change to be drastic enough to suggest that the latter chapters were not written by the same person who wrote the first thirty-nine chapters. Others go so far as to call the two groups by different names: First Isaiah and Second Isaiah. For those familiar with the parallel similarities of the book of Isaiah and the bible, it should be expected that the first thirty nine chapters would be different from the last twenty seven chapters. However, the prophecy is complete because it includes all sixty six chapters. This is no different than the Holy Bible. Although the Old Testament (thirty nine books) and the New Testament (twenty seven books) are quite different, nevertheless, the bible is made complete by including both Old and New Testaments (or all sixty six books). Each group supports the other. The Old Testament provides a foundation for the New Testament and the New Testament provides light, or understanding, of the Old Testament. Isaiah’s prophecy can be viewed in a similar fashion. Isaiah’s message, which had often confronted God’s people with impending punishment because of their sins, now turns to comforting them because of the blessed hope of God’s salvation. This new hope will come after the punishment of God’s people. This should remind us that though we fall, we will not be utterly cast down because God upholds us with His hand. God will send a herald to announce the coming salvation and prepare His people to receive it. Isaiah reminded Israel that God’s word stands forever. God will send a Comforter to gather his people as a shepherd gathers his lambs in his arms to comfort and protect them. God is their provider and He cannot be compared to an idol made by man. God is superior to everything including man’s unholy imagination. God laid the foundation of the world and now oversees it. There is nothing or no one in this world or in this universe that can be compared to God. God created all things. God is perfect in His holiness and in His mercy. When He extends mercy to His people it is not because of them but in spite of them. No matter what titles or positions we bestow on each other, we are still far below God. Everywhere we go is somewhere God created before He created the first man. Even if we look to the far reaches of space at night, God created everything we see and everything we are not capable of seeing. How can we compare God to anyone or anything when all that we know or could experience exist because He created it? When God spoke the world into existence, He did not consult with a counselor. He laid the foundation of the world using His own wisdom and ability. God is too great for us to comprehend. His wisdom is beyond our ability to understand. God is all powerful and yet merciful and kind. When we come to the end of our own strength and ability, God is willing to help all who put their faith in Him. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power.
Robert C. Hudson
September 7, 2016