November 27, 2016
Background Scripture: Revelation 22:8 – 21
Lesson Passage: Revelation 22:11 – 21
Today’s lesson continues John’s account of the end-time vision. John was so overcome by the vision Jesus revealed to him of the end of times and the beginning of eternity future that he fell down and attempted to worship the angel that talked with him. This angel refused to accept John’s worship and informed him that they were fellow servants and only God is to be worshipped. Then John was admonished to make known all that the vision had revealed to him because man needed to be warned before time ends. When the end of time arrives, no one will have the opportunity to amend his or her ways. The wayward and wicked will be caught in their folly and unable to find a place of repentance. Only those who have put their faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ will be spared. The warning must be heeded now because Jesus will return quickly to judge the living and the dead. The first words John recorded that Jesus spoke to him on the island of Patmos was “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.” It seems fitting that some of the final words recorded in the book of Revelation was Jesus echoing to John what he proclaimed to him at the beginning of this final prophecy to the church. In essence, Jesus is the creator of all things and he has the final say concerning all matters of life and death. Everything else that takes place must be considered within this frame of reference. The implications of this are many. Everything that happens within the context of time is either in accordance with God’s divine will or merely allowed because of God’s permissive will. Regardless of what takes place in time, Jesus will have the last say. And Jesus has given us the good news that he has prepared the way for us to be a part of God’s divine will and receive eternal life. Likewise, we have also been warned by Jesus that all who are not partakers of God’s divine purpose in grace will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire and separated from the presence of God forever. One’s eternal destination is the most critical decision that every person is confronted with. To submit to God and His divine purpose through Jesus Christ is to accept salvation for eternity. To reject God’s plan of salvation is to accept eternal punishment and separation from God’s presence. Jesus is the author of life and the creator of all things. In all things, he is first or preeminent. Even in the matter of resurrection from the dead to eternal life, Jesus is the first born from the dead to enter into life eternal. Even those whom he raised from the dead were of necessity subjected to physical death again that he may be the first born (eternally) from the dead. Today’s text also gives the seventh and final beatitude of the book of Revelation. It pronounces a blessing upon those who do the will of God by believing on His son. Through their obedient response to God’s offer of grace, they have gained access to the tree of life and will enter into the New Jerusalem through the gates. Jesus reminds us that the churches have not been left to grope in darkness but he has sent his angel to tell of all that he will do at the end of time.
Robert C. Hudson
November 2, 2016