November 13, 2016
Background Scripture: Revelation 21:9 – 27
Lesson Passage: Revelation 21:9 – 14, 22 – 27
Jerusalem is located in the hill country of Judea. It is where David established the capital of the nation of Israel and had the tabernacle, which housed the Ark of the Covenant, relocated and erected. Hence, Jerusalem is sometimes referred to as the city of David. It was and has been the center of Judaism for thousands of years. Even when the Jews were carried off into captivity, they looked back longingly towards Jerusalem for all she represented of their faith, their country, and their people. The welfare of their nation was often determined by the welfare of Jerusalem. The Jews conceded defeat in 586 B.C. when the city of Jerusalem fell into the hands of the Babylonians. This was over one hundred and thirty-five years after the northern ten tribes had been taken captive by the Assyrian army. In spite of the Assyrian conquest of the northern tribes, the Jews were not defeated as a people until Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians. Likewise, the Jewish nation was not considered restored until Jerusalem was repatriated with Jews and the city made secure with walls and the temple restored for worship. The life of the Jewish people revolved around the welfare of Jerusalem. The Judean city of Jerusalem foreshadows the spiritual Jerusalem. The spiritual Jerusalem is not referred to as the city of David but as the city of God. It is the physical representation of all of the children of God, Jews and Gentiles, assembled in one place. The spiritual Jerusalem is also considered the bride of Christ. In today’s lesson, John describes the vision of seeing the spiritual city, called New Jerusalem, descending down from God out of Heaven. She was suspended in the atmosphere between Heaven and earth. John gave a physical description that was beyond imagination as far as the city being adorned with all of the precious stones known to man. In addition to the precious stones, the city was also clothed in the glory of God. New Jerusalem was gorgeously arrayed in jewels as a bride for her groom. The physical measurements given for the city were approximately 1,500 miles on each of the four sides. The measurements should probably not be taken literally but as an indication of the massiveness of the city. Most importantly—and literally—only the redeemed will live there. In the order of events of the book of Revelation, the descent of New Jerusalem out of Heaven was after the final destruction of sin, Satan, and the followers of Satan. Once again, God’s creation was perfect and all the damage resulting from Satan and the fall of man into sin was destroyed. God’s creation would again be fit for the full expression of His glory. As God had promised, all of the earth will be filled with His glory. The New Jerusalem will be the center of attention while displaying the result of God’s grace and merciful judgment. This is part of the mystery the angels desired to look into. This is the promised restoration the prophets foretold and looked forward to. In the lesson’s text, John tells us about the vision of the outside of the city and her graceful descent through the sky. In our lesson next week, we will take a sneak peek on the inside of the New Jerusalem—the city of God.
Robert C. Hudson
September 28, 2016