Monday, April 3, 2017

Saving Love

April 9, 2017 Background Scripture: John 3:1 – 21 Lesson Passage: John 3:1 – 16 Last week’s lesson examined the second most recognized passage from the Bible. Today’s lesson centers around the most universally recognized biblical passage in the world. John 3:16 has been translated into over one thousand different languages. It is considered the briefest expression of the complete gospel message. Everything in the Bible before it leads up to it and everything in the Bible after it is an extension of it. It is the complete story of salvation in one verse. As we consider the pretext, there was no way Nicodemus could have known the impact his nighttime visit would have on succeeding generations. Much can be speculated as to why Nicodemus chose to approach Jesus at night rather than in the day. We will never know the reason but we will never forget the impact his visit had on him, others, and us. John 3:16 as a scripture is like Amazing Grace as a hymn. Christians take them both personally. But the story behind John 3:16—or in this case the story before it—is worth looking at again. Nicodemus went to Jesus at night with a confession about the belief held by him and his fellow leaders—presumably the Pharisees. They knew that Jesus was approved by God because of the miracles he performed. In spite of this, they still harbored a great deal of apprehension about openly following Jesus. Jesus began to address the questions before Nicodemus even asked any. The Jewish leaders could not see what was behind what Jesus was doing because they were spiritually dead. This was difficult to accept by people who believed their righteousness or right standing with God was based on their public behavior. They took great care in presenting a holy appearance and displaying what appeared to be good wholesome living. Their righteousness could be seen by all who observed them publically. However, Jesus’ message to Nicodemus was that their actions were insufficient for what God truly required. They needed to be totally changed from the inside and not focused just on their outward appearance and behavior. So dramatic is the needed change that it can only be compared to a baby being birthed into the world. But how can an adult re-experience being born? The birth we all know was a purely human phenomenon and it only produced after its kind. In other words, humans produce baby humans when they reproduce. The birth Jesus spoke of needed to be a spiritual birth. Just as human reproduction brings forth a human, the Spirit is required to reproduce spirit. With human birth, we are able to experience the physical world through our physical senses. Through spiritual birth, we are able to experience spiritual phenomenon through our spiritual senses. Through spiritual birth we enter the kingdom of God and then we are able to see some of the spiritual activity that is active around us. All who are part of the kingdom of God have eternal life. This new life comes through spiritual birth. Those who are not part of God’s kingdom because of lack of spiritual birth are doomed to be destroyed forever. Only those who seek God through Jesus Christ will be born again. Jesus is the only demonstration and proof of God’s saving love. Robert C. Hudson March 1, 2017