January 21, 2018
Background Scripture: Daniel 9:1 – 19
Lesson Passage: Daniel 9:4 – 8, 15 – 19
While in captivity, Daniel studied the written word of God seeking to understand the reason for the shameful condition of the people of God. He found his answer in the writing of Jeremiah’s prophecy. The statement describing Israel’s punishment was very plainly written in the prophecy. Israel’s punishment was first described in the Law given by God through Moses. Because the nation, its rulers and people, had not adhered to the instructions given to them in the Law, God had poured out the curses defined in the Law upon His people. Israel was punished openly and other nations witnessed it. Israel’s sovereignty had been stripped from her and the people scattered throughout other nations. All of this was just as the Law had recorded it would be. Jeremiah’s prophecy confirmed this but also provided a ray of hope for Israel. God’s prophecy through Jeremiah declared that the nation’s punishment would last for seventy years and afterwards God would punish the nation He had used to bring judgment on Israel. After reading the prophecy, Daniel began to earnestly fast and pray to God. Daniel acknowledged the sins of Israel and her leaders in straying from God’s instructions and ignoring God’s warnings. Israel deserved all that she was experiencing because she had been warned beforehand about the consequences of her behavior. Even while the nation continued to descend into moral and spiritual disobedience to God, God continued to send prophets to warn her to repent and return to Him. Daniel acknowledged the faithfulness of God in spite of Israel’s behavior. Daniel prayed that God would now allow His face to once again shine on His people and the holy city of Jerusalem. Just as the punishment from the Lord had come about as prophesied, Daniel prayed that the promised restoration would now come to pass. Daniel knew Israel did not deserve restoration but he prayed that God would do it for His name’s sake. While deep in prayer and confession, Daniel was again visited by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel informed Daniel that at the beginning of his prayer, God had commanded him to go and assist Daniel by providing insight and understanding. Gabriel encouraged Daniel by telling him that he is highly esteemed. What an indescribable honor it was for Daniel to be acknowledged in such a way. In the gospel account, Gabriel identified himself as one who stands in the presence of God. When Gabriel delivers a message, it is coming from the very throne of God. What Daniel read in the Law and the Prophets, he was receiving second hand. Moses and the prophets received the messages from God that they delivered and recorded for the people of God. When Gabriel shows up, he is the intermediary between God and the recipient of the message from God. In other words, the message delivered by Gabriel was “hot off the press”. This was done because God held Daniel in high esteem. Daniel prayed earnestly, and God sent him an answer.
Robert C. Hudson
December 8, 2017