April 8, 2018
Background Scripture: John 21:1 – 14
Lesson Passage: John 21:1 – 14
Sometimes, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We don’t always have the patience to just wait. Especially if we are at that awkward time between accepting the salvation of Christ and finding our place in ministry. That’s when we need to learn to wait on God for additional instructions through others, through prayer, through meditation on the word of God, or sometimes as a direct revelation from God. Unfortunately, right after we are saved, we still feel responsible for ourselves and our activities, or lack thereof; even though we might not know exactly what we should be doing at the time. The eleven disciples had all seen the risen Jesus at least twice, but now things were different. The environment was not like it was before the trials, crucifixion, and death of Jesus. They had seen Jesus, but he was not hanging out with them like he did before. Their relationship with Jesus just wasn’t the same. This was one of those occasions when Jesus was not with them and four of the disciples were not around; so, Peter decided to do what he knew how to do well. Peter declared, “I am going fishing.” The other six disciples who were with him announced that they were going to join him. (Peter was a natural leader. Even when he wasn’t sure what he ought to do, the others followed him.) They fished all night and did not catch any fish. Even professionals have those fruitless days. As the night gave way to morning, they saw a man standing on the shore observing them, but they did not recognize who he was. The man called out to them and asked how their fishing was going. They answered and told him that they did not have any fish. In other words, according to the fishermen, the fish are not biting today. The man on the shore told them to throw their fishing net on the right side of the boat. They complied and could not pull the net back in the boat because of the large catch of fish. At least three of the disciples in the boat were known to be fishermen by trade: Peter, James, and John. How could a stranger standing on the shore know more about fishing than these professional fishermen who had labored all night and come up empty handed? John knew the answer. John said, “That man is the Lord.” Peter put on his fisherman’s coat and jumped into the water to go to shore. The others followed in the boat; dragging the net full of fish. When they came to shore, they found the man cooking fish and bread on an open fire. How’s that for adding insult to injury. The fishermen had fished all night and caught nothing. The man on the shore had caught fish and was already cooking a fish and bread breakfast. He invited them to bring their fish to the fire and eat. Characteristically, Jesus served them fish and bread. Although they suspected this was Jesus, they all appeared to be too afraid to ask him concerning his identity. For all but Thomas, this was their third encounter with the risen Jesus. Jesus was still helping them be successful and serving them what they needed. This is the only recorded miracle of Jesus after his resurrection, and the only recorded instance of Jesus cooking! The risen Lord had appeared and was still amazing as ever.
Robert C. Hudson
March 7, 2017