June 3, 2018
Background Scripture: Matthew 12:1 – 14
Lesson Passage: Matthew 12:1 – 14
The last series of studies were based on different elements of the Law. After that type of study, it is refreshing to look at the gospel narratives to see Jesus’ interpretation of some of those laws. It should be obvious from the many recorded instances in the gospel accounts of Jesus’ run-ins with the religious leaders of Israel over interpretation of the Law that the Jewish leaders did not understand the Law as Jesus interpreted it. Furthermore, it is instructive that they relied on their interpretation of the Law their ancestors received from Moses rather than allow themselves to be corrected and informed by the One who gave the Law to Moses. In this narrative—also recorded by Mark and Luke—the Pharisees were offended when they witnessed the disciples of Jesus pulling heads of grain in the field and eating it because it was being done on the Sabbath. They complained to Jesus about it, but Jesus refuted them by referring to David’s action with the showbread. After this, Jesus went into a synagogue on the same day. There was a man present in the synagogue who had a deformed hand. The Pharisees suspected that Jesus might heal the man; they attempted to preempt the healing with a legal question. They asked Jesus about the legality (according to the Law) of healing someone on the Sabbath day. They were bringing attention to the act before it happened—instead of afterwards as was the case with the disciples in the field pulling grain and eating it earlier. Jesus asked them to consider what a shepherd would do if a sheep fell into a pit on the Sabbath day. Jesus’ answers to both situations show how far off base we can get as far as attempting to apply the Law to the actions of others. We may be more lenient towards the treatment of domesticated animals than we are towards the treatment of people. Consider today’s society where manmade laws are applied more severely for crimes against dogs than video recordings of obvious police brutality by rogue officers towards citizens. Perhaps it is because we tend to be hero worshipers and despisers of the poor as could be implied from the example of David and his followers eating the bread designated for the priests. The principle that Jesus shares with them is that God desires for his people to constantly live as purveyors of compassion to fellow human beings rather than sacrificially living as a service to Him. We are not doing God a favor by restraining ourselves from certain behaviors based on a set of rules while at the same time holding others to standards that we cannot or will not attain ourselves. Although we are born in a sinfully fallen state, we should not forget that mankind was created in the image and likeness of God. People still have value in God’s eyes and that should be good news for all of us. We should learn to interact with others with this in mind and not think that we have reached a point where we can look down on the condition or actions of others. Compassion is needed if we are going to attempt to assess or understand people’s actions. We should certainly think about the context of those actions. There is often a very compelling reason why people do what they do—sometimes good and sometimes bad. In summary, justice, righteousness, and compassion are much higher standards to live by than the application of rules and regulations to judge the actions of others.
Robert C. Hudson
May 7, 2018