December 16, 2018
Background Scripture: Psalm 103:1 – 17a, 21, 22
Lesson Passage: Psalm 103:1 – 17a, 21, 22
When it comes to praise and worship of God, there is probably no greater biblical witness to describe it than the sweet psalmist of Israel, David. David wrote half of the psalms in Israel’s hymn book. His psalms cover the gamut of emotions of a God-fearing person who puts their trust in Him. In our lesson today, David gives us at least fifteen reasons to praise God. Then he calls upon all, everywhere, to join him in praising God. In summary of David’s list, he admonishes us to praise God for the many benefits and blessings that He graciously bestows on us. God’s grace extends to us benefits and blessings that we don’t deserve and cannot earn. Likewise, David calls upon us to praise God for His mercy towards us. God’s mercy spares us from the just punishment we deserve or from the dire consequences of our actions. Even when we knowingly are headed in the wrong direction and won’t turn back, God continuously watches over us. God’s mercy is tempered with patience so that He is slow to anger. Our sins and iniquities are enough to justify cutting us off from the blessings of God forever. Instead of executing justice through punishment, God extends mercy. Rather than deal with us according to the transgressions we have made against His righteousness, God removes our transgressions far from us so that He can nurture us as His dear children. God’s actions remind me of a parent changing their baby’s diaper. No matter how gross the situation may be, the parent cleans it up and removes it far from the child. Then, the parent showers the child with love as though the mess never existed. There is never a question as to whether a parent ought to do such a thing. Good parents delight in caring for their children. Parents don’t despise the child who cannot walk, talk, or care for himself. Rather, a good parent will carry the child, talk to and for the child, and take care of everything the child has need of. And many of these parental graces don’t come with an expiration date—if there is a need. Likewise, God does not deal with us according to our errors. He remembers that He formed us out of dust and has pity on us. Patience may be too weak of a word to describe God’s longsuffering. David said God’s mercy is eternal. There is no beginning or end to the mercies of God. When one considers all of the reasons on David’s list for praising God, we should realize that everything on David’s list fits us too. Not that we have experienced what David experienced, but the list covers experiences as well as potential. We cannot boast about what we have not done because too often that results from lack of opportunity and not righteous discretion. No one or nothing within the realm of creation is excluded from the call to praise God. The heavenly host, the servants of God, all of creation, and my soul should bless the Lord! That’s heaven and earth joining the worshiper in praising God simply because He is God.
Robert C. Hudson
November 9, 2018