January 6, 2019
Background Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13 – 3:5; 2 John 4 – 11
Lesson Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:1 – 5; 2 John 4 – 11
“Walk in Love” is a great topic for the start of a new calendar year. As Christians, we need to be reminded sometimes that we are called to walk in love. Of course, the word walk is used here as a general description of one’s day-to-day activities that comprise a lifestyle. For Christians, love is an action word that finds its motivation in the needs of others. It’s better for us when we are motivated by needs rather than personality, gratitude, interpersonal relationship, or self-gratification. Needs can oftentimes be more clearly defined and, with care, properly distinguished from desires. Our lesson passages were penned by the two greatest writing apostles, Paul and John. Paul admonished the Christians in Thessalonica to stand fast and hold the traditions which they were taught as converts of Christ. This was much needed encouragement for them because they were becoming confused by the uninformed teaching of others. Sadly, whenever God is doing a work among people, there are always those who would seek to overthrow the faith of believers with teachings that are contrary to the word of God delivered by those who have been anointed as God’s messengers. Weeks, months, or perhaps even years of sound doctrine can be put to the test by nonsensical teaching proposing to offer something for nothing or an easy way out. That’s when established traditions that have been approved by God and proven over time can be a stabilizer. I often cringe when people brag about not being a member of a “traditional” church. Much confusion has been brought into today’s local congregation by the teachings of those who desire to be overnight sensations. Whatever has been right, they will declare it to be wrong. Whatever has been wrong, will often be declared right by the same false teachers. The Thessalonians were being confused by those who were mistakenly teaching an incorrect relationship between the gathering of the believers, known as the rapture of the church, and the times of tribulation known as the Day of the Lord. Paul, again, set matters straight by reminding them that the church will not enter into the Tribulation according to the word of prophecy. The persecutions the believers were enduring were not part of the Day of the Lord. Therefore, they were admonished to endure the persecutions even as the apostles were experiencing the same. This was happening because there were still wicked people in the world who were not saved. Paul admonished believers to trust God and pray for deliverance for themselves and the apostles. John echoed Paul’s instructions and sentiments to the Christians he sent a letter to. The problem, as described by John, was the presence of many false teachers attempting to mislead the Christians. John labeled those false teachers as antichrists and deceivers. They spread false teachings and also denied that Christ had come into the world. John’s solution for Christians, as was Paul’s, was for them to walk in love and thereby fulfill the commandments of God.
Robert C. Hudson
December 13, 2018