January 13, 2019
Background Scripture: James 4:1 – 10
Lesson Passage: James 4:1 – 10
Sometimes it seems as if the word submission is used in more negative ways than positive ones. There can be the aura of being taken advantage of or abused for the one in submission. Perhaps the only positive way to look at submission is when it is paired with overwhelming love for the one who submits. This is precisely the offer that God extends to everyone. God has done everything necessary to secure a blissful eternal life in His presence for every person. Many will never receive this wonderful gift of grace because it requires individuals to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ and to agree to the intent to do God’s will. It sounds too good to be true. Put another way, it sounds like an offer to receive something great for little or nothing. Is there such a thing as something being given truly free of charge to the recipient? Mind you, the gift is far from being free! It is the most priceless gift ever. But, it can be received free of charge to the recipient. That makes the offer sound even more incredible. That’s where submission comes in. The first man, Adam, was created in God’s image and after God’s likeness. Adam was created in a state of pure innocence. He naturally lived a life of submission that allowed him to always enjoy the blessings of God as well as God’s presence and fellowship. Adam was later given a companion who was suitable for him so that he would not have to enjoy those blessings alone. All was well until the couple was offered what they were told was an even better situation than the one they had. Simply put, the offer was for them to disobey God and their lives would be better. Adam and Eve had everything they needed but this offer promised them even more. The relationship they had with God was a relationship of submission. To violate that relationship and follow the instructions of the serpent was an act of submitting to the serpent. Their decision allowed sin to enter the world, and since that time, sin has constantly challenged humanity to disobey God and submit to anyone or anything but God. Tribulations in the form of heartaches, hardships, corruption, diseases, pain, a short lifespan and many other disorders have been experienced as a result of sin’s presence in the world. These tribulations beget dysfunctional relationships, fights, and wars. In our text today, James explains the connection between the ills of society and the problem of human submission. Sin is much more than an attitude. Sin is somehow intertwined within the human DNA. The problems we experience externally all originate internally. Sin manifests itself as some form of open rebellion against God. Even when we are saved and have the Spirit of Christ in us, sin in our flesh constantly wars against the Spirit of Christ in us. It is the indwelling Spirit who gives us an ever-present living hope. And he beckons us to submit to God, humble ourselves in God’s sight, and receive divine elevation.
Robert C. Hudson
December 19, 2018