April 14, 2019
Background Scripture: Matthew 26:1 – 13
Lesson Passage: Matthew 26:1 – 13
People need something to jog their memory. There are some things that should not be forgotten. Some out of gratitude and others as a warning to not allow something unpleasant to be repeated. Memory joggers can range from simple handwritten notes to a listing in the registry of the National Archives. They may be something only the person can see, a group can participate in, or it can be made visible to all who care to look upon it. Memorials are a special category that serve a very specific purpose. Often, they are to convey intergenerational knowledge to ensure a lasting legacy. Such is the case in today’s lesson. As Jesus approached the impending dark hours of arrest, interrogation, and crucifixion, he repeatedly warned his disciples that the hour was at hand. His warning seemed to have gone over their heads. Things were going great so why should Jesus keep dampening their spirits by bringing up something they thought would not happen. However, there was a woman who came to Jesus in Bethany who knew that Jesus’ death was approaching. God had revealed to her that the time of Jesus’ earthly life was coming to an end. Remarkably, she was not a prophetess or even what we might consider a spiritual person. While Jesus and his disciples were dining at the table in Simon’s house, this woman came in and poured very expensive perfume on Jesus’ head. Jesus’ disciples seemed to have immediately called out her actions as a waste. She could have sold the perfume for a tidy sum of money to provide benevolent support to the poor. Jesus knew that her actions were not the actions of a wasteful person but rather that of a worshiper of him. Jesus rebuked his disciples and reminded them that the poor would always inhabit the land. They would have ample opportunity to assist the poor among them. This woman was providing some “pre-need” services prior to his burial. His disciples would not have time to do this at the time of his death. They would have to rush to stay ahead of the onset of the Sabbath. This woman was taking care of the anointing of his body days in advance of his death. What she did was so significant that Jesus turned her actions into a memorial. Jesus declared that wherever the gospel is preached, her story must be told also as a memorial to her. Christians are admonished to share the good news of salvation that God provides to all who will accept Jesus’ death as a sacrifice for sin, in their stead. God’s love invites all of us to accept eternal life through Jesus Christ. Wherever this message reaches across the globe, or even beyond, the memorial must also be erected in the telling of the deeds of this woman. Sinners are called to repent and be saved and Christians are called to share the story of the woman who provided Jesus’ “pre-need” arrangements for his burial.
Robert C. Hudson
February 21, 2019