November 24, 2019
Background Scripture: 2 Peter 1
Lesson Passage: 2 Peter 1:1 – 15
Peter’s second letter differs markedly from his first; starting with the intended recipients. Whereas in the first letter Peter addressed the believers who were dispersed, in the second letter he addressed all who have obtained the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ. It is easy to conclude that the first letter was addressed primarily to the Jewish believers who were dispersed from Jerusalem because of the persecution that came against the Jerusalem church. Likewise, it seems clear that the second letter is intended for all believers in Jesus Christ, Jews and Gentiles. God had brought Peter to the point of accepting everyone that He would save by sending him to the home of a Gentile believer, Cornelious. Until this encounter, Peter was steadfast in his view that the world was divided into two groups: Jews and everybody else. Likewise, his behavior, as recorded in scriptures, suggests that he felt that Jews were above all other people. As it is with us, quite often, so it was with Peter that one occasion was not enough to completely convince him to change his mind about something he believed. After the visit to Cornelious house, Peter was still trying to satisfy the Jewish believers by separating from the Gentile believers in Antioch. God rebuked Peter through Paul for that incident. The salutation of this letter is a clear indicator that this was no longer an issue for Peter at the time he wrote this letter. At that time, Peter openly embraced all believers in Jesus Christ and recognized that our salvation is a common salvation to all believers. It is this common salvation that is our assurance that we will be made partakers of the divine nature. This is the promise God makes to all believers in Christ. The world is filled with corruption as a result of the presence of sin and the lustful desires of the flesh. As long as we are in the world, we are either caught up in the corruption of it or constantly fighting to overcome it. Through faith, we know that the promises of God will all come to fruition. As the song goes, “Trouble don’t last always”. We thank God that this life is temporary and that eternal life will be lived with the divine nature where the lust of the flesh will no longer exist. In the meantime, we should continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. This will allow us to gain self-control and perseverance that lead to brotherly kindness and love. With these attributes, Christians can live a victorious life in this world in spite of the corruption that is all around us. This growth towards Christian maturity is based on the faith we have in the precious promises of God. In essence, our walk in this world should be a foretaste of the life to come when we are made partakers of Christ’s divine nature. Our faith will give us the strength to overcome the challenges we will face. When Christians become entangled in the cares of this world, it causes us to stumble in our walk. We cannot stumble and be fruitful at the same time. Our increasing knowledge of Jesus Christ should help us be fruitful servants of God while living here. Peter sent this as a reminder to believers to encourage the recipients of the letter as well as others. This encouragement was intended to extend even beyond Peter’s death. Looking at this letter today is a reminder that Peter’s encouragement to Christians has continued for almost two thousand years after his death.
Robert C. Hudson
October 30, 2019