November 10, 2019
Background Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:2 – 10
Lesson Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:2 – 10
Paul arrived at Thessalonica after he was officially asked to leave Philippi during his second missionary journey. Luke recorded in the book of Acts that Paul met with a group in the synagogue there for three sabbaths. During those three weeks, Paul preached and taught from the scriptures (Old Testament of the bible) the truths concerning the Messiah of Israel coming into the world as a suffering savior rather than a military hero as many expected. Luke recorded that many of the Jews believed as well as many of the Grecians. The unbelieving Jews sought to take Paul and his companions by force but did not find them but apprehended one of the local converts and brought him before the city officials on the charge of inciting a rebellion against the Roman Empire. Once again, Paul and his traveling companions were forced to leave the city where he had been making strides in the ministry. However, their departure did not extinguish the spark that had been ignited by the reception of the gospel by the gentiles of Thessalonica. The faith of these new converts continued to grow even after Paul’s departure. It was to this group that Paul sent two letters. In his first letter, Paul acknowledged their faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ and their strong belief in Jesus’ imminent return. They were not idly sitting around waiting for the return of Christ. They were actively engaged in the work, labor, and ministry of the word of God, as it pertained to their faith. The strategic location of Thessalonica as a port city on a busy trade and travel route caused the activity of this group of Christians to become known well beyond that region as travelers would carry their testimony forward. Paul was greatly encouraged as he heard about the continued spiritual growth of the Thessalonians. Whenever God allows our faith to be tested publicly, it becomes more than just a testimony for us. Our tested faith will become an example for others. This was the case for the congregation of saints in Thessalonica. Paul applauded them in his letter for their example that was being spoken of in many places beyond Macedonia and Achaia. Paul referred to their work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope that was in, or through, Jesus Christ. Because of it, Paul prayed for them. As one who planted churches, Paul had a tremendous burden of hope. In many cases, he could not remain with them or the persecution against him would possibly imperil the infant congregation. Therefore, Paul depended on God to sustain the churches. The Thessalonians had been witnesses of God’s movement among them through the power of the preached gospel. The Holy Spirit had given them assurance and joy in spite of the afflictions that some of them suffered. This example of their faith in God could not be contained locally, but resounded throughout the region and beyond. This encouraged others who had not known them personally. This was important for the New Testament church whose foundation was still being laid through the work of the apostles in the first century. Paul was an important part of that work and the Thessalonians had become a true victory for him in his work. The Thessalonian example showed the power of the preached gospel to turn the hearts of people from the worship of idols to the worship of the true and living God. The movement of God in Thessalonica was so powerful that not even afflictions could stop it. No doubt, that congregation was viewed by many as heroes of the faith. However, their joy would have been in knowing that the person of the Holy Spirit was with them as they endured persecution.
Robert C. Hudson
October 11, 2019