December 22, 2019
Background Scripture: Luke 1:39 – 56
Lesson Passage: Luke 1:39 – 56
Elizabeth was elderly and barren when it was announced to her husband, Zacharias, that God was going to use her to bear the forerunner of Israel’s Messiah, John the Baptist. After she became pregnant, she hid herself from society. After Mary was told that she would conceive and bear the Messiah as a virgin, she went to visit Elizabeth (her cousin). Both women found themselves in situations unexplainable aside from the miraculous work of God. They could happily confide in each other and await the manifestation of God’s promises to them. The faithless world would not be able to accept or willing to understand what God was doing until after it had been accomplished. Mary and Elizabeth knew what God was doing but they were in no position to tell anyone about it. Even as Isaiah had written about his own prophecy, who would believe their report? Who were they to declare to anyone the extent to which God was using them—especially in regard to the society in which they lived? But, in the comfort of each other’s company, they could celebrate and praise God for using them. The word “thanksgiving”, when found in the Old Testament, is translated from a Hebrew compound word. Part of the Hebrew word denotes the lifting of hands. In essence, it was not so much a verbal expression of gratitude as it was an exultant declaration of praise for God’s wonderful works. What Mary did according to the text, would be described as offering thanksgiving in the Old Testament. As she praised God for His amazing kindness to her, Mary declared that her spirit had rejoiced in her Savior. God was using poor, somewhat obscure people, in the unfolding of His revelation of salvation to the entire world. Mary understood the extent of what this all would mean for her for years to come. She would be called blessed by all future generations beginning from that point in time. She was a simple and poor virgin who had received a blessing of God beyond anything any person could ever ask. Mary was chosen as the human vessel to bear God’s only begotten Son. She knew this was not just a task or assignment to be completed and afterwards it would lose its relevance. The course of human history would be changed forever by what God was going to do through Mary. Furthermore, God’s actions were in line with what He had done over the years to fulfill the promises He made to Abraham and the patriarchs who descended from him. God had been faithful to Israel throughout her existence. What God had accomplished and what God was accomplishing was not through the rich or the proud. God used individuals of low estate who trusted Him and revered Him. This was especially so for the women of that society who were not viewed in the same light as the men. Whenever God used men, it was expected and respected by that society. The women were not treated with the same level of respect as the men. Nevertheless, God accomplished great things through many women. Mary and her relative, Elizabeth, were the two used by God at that time. In addition to sharing with Elizabeth for three months, Mary praised God for the marvelous works He was performing. Some people praise God for what they observe Him doing through others. Mary praised God for what she knew He was about to do through her.
Robert C. Hudson
November 25, 2019