February 2, 2020
Background Scripture: Matthew 4:1 – 11
Lesson Passage: Matthew 4:1 – 11
The text in today’s lesson states that Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards he was hungry. That statement appears to be missing some adverbs. After forty days and forty nights of fasting, the question is, “How” hungry was he? If I only have one meal in a day, within hours of that meal I become very cognizant that my physical body is something separate from my inner person. How I feel and the clarity of my thinking are affected by the effects of my physical body’s demand for nourishment. I might not feel right and may not be able to think clearly until after I have satisfied the demands of my body. Understanding that a person is spirit, soul, and body is important to understanding the different ways in which a person can be tested. After Jesus subjected his body to a forty-day fast, then Satan tempted him to use his divine powers to satisfy his flesh. Jesus rejected Satan’s request. This is important in at least two ways. First, Jesus did not allow Satan to tell him what to do—which would have caused him to follow Satan’s advice. Second, Jesus was hungry because he “purposely” fasted. In other words, Jesus was in control of his situation already. Then Satan took him to a very high place and told him to jump off of it because the scriptures declare that God would protect him with His angels—provided he is the anointed of God. This request was a subtle way for Jesus to check to see if God would do what He said or for Jesus to validate his identity based on the results. Either a person has faith in God or not. If one has faith in God, then God’s word is sufficient. On the other hand, Jesus was not having an identity crisis or that he needed confirmation as to who he was. This was just a ploy by Satan to get Jesus to put God to the test as though Jesus did not trust God. Finally, Satan offered Jesus something that was already rightfully his, i.e., the world and its people. Except in this case Satan revealed his real motive. Satan wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him. Satan wants to be God. Satan went after Jesus in ways that tested the limits of his humanity. From physical hunger and personal insecurities to worldly pride among his brethren, Satan pushed all of the right buttons that would have caused lesser people to stumble. Jesus held firmly in spite of being hungry—which could have led to other maladies in him. Fasting prepared Jesus for this encounter with Satan. Fasting put the weakest part of Jesus, his flesh, into subjection to his inner person. Jesus’ strength came from the Spirit of God in him directing the faculties of his soul. When Satan approached Jesus, Jesus used the word of God as his guide in answering him. When Satan attempted to control Jesus by misappropriating the word of God, Jesus demonstrated a higher understanding and use of the word of God to refute Satan. Jesus’ final response in this encounter with Satan was to demand that Satan get behind him—and not attempt to lead him. Since he found no means to control or mislead Jesus, Satan left him—for a season. There is much to be learned from Satan’s testing of Jesus. One of the greatest lessons is how it all came about. Jesus was led by the Spirit into this encounter with Satan. It was necessary at the onset of his earthly ministry to be tempted in the same manner in which those he would save are tempted. This was not easy for Jesus but it was necessary for us. There is no wonder that when Jesus gave his disciples the model for prayer, it includes the request “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”.
Robert C. Hudson
January 18, 2020